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1. Letter to a Hindoo (Письмо к индусу)
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2. Толстой Л. Н. - Бхарати Баба Премананд (Baba Premanand Bhârati), 3 (16) февраля 1907 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 10кб.
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Гому В. (W. Gum), 17 октября 1897 г.
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4. Толстой Л. Н. - Кросби Эрнесту (Ernest Crosby), 30 июня 1898 г.
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5. Толстой Л. Н. - Кэмпбеллу Гамильтону (Hamilton Camp[bell]), 27 января (6 февраля) 1891 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 8кб.
6. Толстой Л. Н. - Гибсону Дж. (G. Gibson), 11 марта 1898 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 12кб.
7. Маковицкий Д. П.: "Яснополянские записки". 1908 г. Август
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8. Толстой Л. Н. - В редакцию "North American Newspaper", 10 (23) мая 1903 г.
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9. Толстой Л. Н. - Токутоми Кенджиро, 12 (25) апреля 1906 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 8кб.
10. Толстой Л. Н. - Кросби Эрнесту (Ernest Crosby), 11 апреля 1898 г.
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11. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John С. Kenworthy), 30 декабря1901 г. (12 января 1902 г.)
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12. Толстой Л. Н. - Членам земледельческой колонии близ г. Лидза, 20 ноября 1899 г.
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13. Маковицкий Д. П.: "Яснополянские записки". Личные имена и названия. Страница 8
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14. Толстой Л. Н. - В редакцию "North American Newspaper
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15. Маковицкий Д. П.: "Яснополянские записки". 1908 г. Ноябрь
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16. Толстой Л. Н. - Черткову В. Г., 17 - 18 июня 1885 г.
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17. Толстой Л. Н. - Баллу Адину (Adin Ballou), 30 июня 1890 г.
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1. Letter to a Hindoo (Письмо к индусу)
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Часть текста: Krishna P. 212. I received your letter and the two issues of the magazine. Both were intensely interesting to me; indeed, the oppression of a majority by the minority of a people and the corruption which flows from it, is a phenomenon which has always occupied my mind and at present is entirely occupying my attention. I will endeavour to convey to you what I think, both in a particular and a general way, about those causes from which those dreadful calamities have arisen and do arise, of which you write in your letter and which are also mentioned in the two numbers of the Hindoo magazine you sent me. The causes, owing to which this astonishing spectacle arises, of the majority of the labouring classes submitting to a mere handful of idlers whom it permits to dispose not only of its labour but also of its very life, are always and everywhere the same; whether the oppressors and the oppressed belong to the same, or, as is the case in India and in other countries, where the dominant class belongs to an entirely different nation from those oppressed. It appears especially strange of India, for here we have a people of 200 millions of individuals, highly endowed with spiritual and physical powers, in absolute subjection to a small clique, composed of persons utterly alien in thought and aspiration and altogether inferior to those whom they enslave. These causes, as one can easily see from your letter, from the articles in «Free Hindustan», from the highly interesting writings of the Hindoo Swami Vivekananda and others, are in accord with that which causes the distress of all the peoples of our time; in the absence of a rational religious teaching...
2. Толстой Л. Н. - Бхарати Баба Премананд (Baba Premanand Bhârati), 3 (16) февраля 1907 г.
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Часть текста: Premanand Bhârati). 1907 г. Февраля 3/16. Я. П. 3/16 Febr. 1907. Toula, Jasnaja Poliana. Dear Brother, It gives me joy to address you thus because I keenly feel my brotherhood to a man who, although physically so very far, is spiritually so very near to me. I have just finished to read your book «Krishna» and am under a very strong impression of it. I knew the teaching of Krishna before, but never had such a clear insight of it as I got from both parts of your book. Knowing you by your book I will reject all wordly considerations and be quite open with you, not fearing to hurt you by what I have to say. The metaphysical religious idea of the doctrine of Krishna, so well exposed in your book, is the eternal and universal foundation of all true philosophies and all religions. The truth that the principle of all that exists we cannot otherwise feel and understand than as Love and that the soul of man is an emanation of this principle, the development of which is what we call human life — is a truth that is more or less consciously felt by every man and therefore accessible to the most ...
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Гому В. (W. Gum), 17 октября 1897 г.
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Часть текста: г. Октября 17. Я. П. 17-th Oct. 1897. Dear Friend, Thank you sincerely for your kind letter with good wishes for my persecuted friends and myself. As to the question you put to me I can add very little to the subject to what is stated in the book you vahe read. You are right in coming to the conclusion that we do not attach importance to dogmas such as the Evangelical conception of Atonement. But I think there is no need to be anxious on that account for such people as the Spirit Wrestlers. However different be our individual relation to such metaphysical conceptions as this one of the Atonement we cannot but agree that God is Love and Justice and that therefore if those who are trying to serve Him sincerely and to the best of their ability are not all able to understand such abstract questions alike, he cannot demand of them faith in that which they are not able to accept. Sincerity is enough for God. And the facts, you have become acquainted with in this book are, I think sufficient for dispelling any doubt as to the sincerity and faithfulness before their God of these people who are sacrificing their lives for what they believe to be His will. I think we would be discrediting our...
4. Толстой Л. Н. - Кросби Эрнесту (Ernest Crosby), 30 июня 1898 г.
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Часть текста: because they must pay 10 r. per head for their passeports. Our friend from the christian Commonwealth has sent to me a proposition to settle them in Texas. 1 I forwarded this letter to the English Committee for the emigration of the Douchoborys, and this proposition pleased very much to the Douchoborys themselves. Now what I ask of you is that you should inform us i. e. the commitee in England (adress Kenworthy or Tchertkoff), how much acres could they have in Texas at what price; 2) that you should inform us also at what price the ships could take the men for the passage and 3) to rise in America a subscription for an emigration fund for the Duochoborys. — I have collected till now about 5000. They defend to publish about it in Russia. 2 But I will nevertheless try to collect more by personal [appeals] to persons who can and will help. If you will be so good to do what I ask you, please write about it to me and to Tchertkoff. I admired very much your declaration about the war. 3...
5. Толстой Л. Н. - Кэмпбеллу Гамильтону (Hamilton Camp[bell]), 27 января (6 февраля) 1891 г.
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Часть текста: avail myself of the opportunity of answering your questions sensibly. 1) Do I accept the miraculous element in the gospel narratives? I think that to accept or to believe the miracles of the gospel is a complete impossibility for a sane person in our times. We cannot believe the miracles not because we wish, or we do not wish to believe in them, but because such narratives, having a certain meaning for people of the 4-th century, have none for us. If Christ in body ascended the sky, he is ascending it still and never will reach the seat at the right hand of his father. And the same stands for all the miracles of the gospel. I think that the faith in the miracle excludes the faith in the teaching. If Christ could make all men healthy and rich (if he could make wine out of water, he could make all men rich) he should have done it instead of teaching men how to be blessed without health and riches. Those who accept the miracles, accept them only because they do not want to accept the teaching. 2) The divinity of Christ? The chief meaning of the definition of God is that He is a being different from man, above him and therefore if I say that man is God, I say a contradiction, just as if I said: spirit (the definition of which is something that is not matter) — spirit is matter. Christ being God is a belief that can be kept only by people who do not want to accept his teaching. If Christ is man the chief purport of his advent is his teaching and if I accept Christ as teacher I must follow his doctrine, but if he is God his teaching is only a little part of his...
6. Толстой Л. Н. - Гибсону Дж. (G. Gibson), 11 марта 1898 г.
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Часть текста: and I liked all the articles in it. It is quite true, as you say it in your article «The Social Need » 1 , and Herron 2 in his, that a Christian life is quite impossible in the present unchristian organization of society. The contradictions between his surroundings and his convictions are very painful for a man who is sincere in his сhristian faith, and therefore the organization of communities seems to such a man the only means of delivering himself from these contradictions. But this is an illusion. Every community is a small island in the mist of an ocean of unchristian conditions of life, so that the christian relations exist only between members of the colony but outside that must remain unchristian, otherwise the colony would not exist for a moment. And therefore to live in community cannot save a christian from the contradiction between his conscience and his life. I do not mean to say that I do not approve of communities such as your commonwealth, or that I do not think them to be a good thing. On the contrary, I approve of them with all my heart and am very interested in your commonwealth and wish it the greatest success. I think that every man who can free himself from the conditions of wordly life without breaking the ties of love — love the main principle in the name of which he seeks new forms of life — I think such a man not only must, but naturally join people who have the same beliefs and who try to live up to them. If I were free I would immediately even at my age join such a colony. I only wished to say that the mere forming of communities is not a solution for the christian problem, but is only one of the means of its solution. The revolution that is going on for the attainment of the christian ideal is so enormous, our life is so different from what it ought to be, that for the perfect success of this...
7. Маковицкий Д. П.: "Яснополянские записки". 1908 г. Август
Входимость: 1. Размер: 118кб.
Часть текста: в Москву по финансовым делам. Так как Л. Н-чу лучше, Мария Николаевна торопится в Пирогово, а оттуда в монастырь. Соскучилась по нему. 2 августа. Л. Н-чу вчера и особенно сегодня значительно лучше. Воспаление вен на берце и в середине бедра прошло. Теперь только на внутренней стороне колена довольно сильно и повыше до половины бедра менее воспалено. Л. Н. сегодня позвал Ф. А. Страхова на балкон и с 3.30 до 4 беседовал с ним. Главное — о посадке ржи по Левицкому («Новое время», 27 июля) 1 и по Демчинскому, чем интересуется Александра Львовна, и о предполагаемом поселении на зиму Страховых в Телятинках. Федор Алексеевич с Л. Н. о решении земельного вопроса: 1) о решении нравственном ( Л. Н. : Захвата земли нет у животных. Мыслимо ли, чтобы гнезда захватывали? Одна кукушка кладет яйца в чужие. У Шереметевых земли, коих даже в век свой и не видят. Как это люди не видят греховности, безнравственности земельной собственности? Русский народ до недавнего сознавал его), 2) об интенсивной культуре земли. Об этом же самом говорил Л. Н. с Чертковым и Перной за обедом. Присутствовали Софья Андреевна, Мария Николаевна, Николай Николаевич, Перна. Л. Н....
8. Толстой Л. Н. - В редакцию "North American Newspaper", 10 (23) мая 1903 г.
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Часть текста: Толстой Л. Н. - В редакцию "North American Newspaper", 10 (23) мая 1903 г. 152. В редакцию «North American Newspaper». 1903 г. Мая 10/23. Я. П. Dear Sir, I have sent to day by telegraph my answer to your question; but being affraid that my answer will not reach you, I repeat it by letter. It is as follows: Guilty is governement firstly excluding Jews as a separate cast from common rights, secondly inculcating by force to russian people an idolatrous faith instead of Christianity . Yours truly Leo Tolstoy. 1903. 23 Mai. Милостивый государь, Послал сегодня телеграфом мой ответ на ваш вопрос, но, боясь, что он не дойдет до вас, повторяю его в письме. Ответ этот следующий: Виновато правительство, первое: выделением евреев в особую касту, лишенную общих прав; второе: насильственным внушением народу идолопоклонства под видом христианства. Искренно ваш Лев Толстой. 1903. 23 мая. Примечания Печатается по листу копировальной книги.
9. Толстой Л. Н. - Токутоми Кенджиро, 12 (25) апреля 1906 г.
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Часть текста: to me your religious views. I am very much interested in the religious beliefs of the Japanese. I have an idea of Shintoism, but doubt that thinking Japanese men of our time can partake of this faith. I know Konfutionism, Taoism and Bouddism and have the greatest respect for the religious and metaphysical principles of those doctrines, which are the same as the fundamental principles of Christianity. There is only one religion which manifests itself by different sides to different nations, and should very much like to know the Japanese view of the fundamental religious principles. In European littеrature I could not find any vestige of it. If you can help me in this matter, if only by stating your religious views, I will be very thankful. By religious views I understand the answer to the chief and most important question for man, what is the meaning of the life that he is obliged to live. You speak in your letter of the Russian revolution and the reforms that are to be in Japan. I think that there is only one revolution and one reform impending everywhere in the world: it is the destruction of not only all great states, but of all kind of states, the liberation of men from obedience to human power. I have written a book about it (the last) which has for title «The end of the age». It has been translated into english 3 and I will ask my friend in England 4 to send you a copy, but may be you can get one in your libraries. Please let me have your opinion on the ideas expressed in that book. I thank you heartily for your letter, your books and your sympathy to me. Give please my regards to your wife and ask her, if it is not presuming too much, to write me, if it is possible in a few words her religious belief: what does she live for and what is the highest law of her life, the law to which all other human laws and desires ought to be...
10. Толстой Л. Н. - Кросби Эрнесту (Ernest Crosby), 11 апреля 1898 г.
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Часть текста: judge — act in the position in which the christian enlightenment found him, as his conscience bids him, and the result will be just what it ought to be: he will be chassed from the position that he ocupied and that may be the best thing for him. That is what I think about the difficulty Mr. Jones is in. It is great joy for me to know that there are men like Mr. Jones professing the christian doctrine not only in words but in deeds. Give him please my respect and love. What a pitiful state of jingoistic hypnotization is your people in now. It is dreadful but gives me nothing unexpected and new. This terrible evil and superstition which is called a virtue and which is unhappily so strong in America — patriotism could not produce anything else. They do not gather grapes from thornes... And so patriotism produces only lies, violence, murder. The sole sorrow of my old age is that I have not succeded to communicate to my brothers the truth which I feel with the same evidence as I feel the light of the sun. That patriotism must lead to lies, violence, murder and the loss not only of material wellbeing but of the greatest moral depravation. I am not yet discouraged and am now writing again on the same subject an article entitled «Carthago delenda est»; I will speak and write on this theme till my last breath because I think patriotism is one of the draedfullest delusions and evils of the world. Yours truly Leo Tolstoy. 23 апреля 1898. Дорогой Кросби, Я думаю, что Джонс совершенно правильно поступил, отказавшись помочь в принуждении, которое было нужно...