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1. Letter to a Hindoo (Письмо к индусу)
Входимость: 4. Размер: 77кб.
2. Толстой Л. Н. - Кросби Э. (Е. Crosby), 1896 - 1900 гг.
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3. Толстой Л. Н. - Шоу Бернарду (Bernard G. Shaw), 15 - 26 апреля 1910 г.
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4. Ганди М. К. - Толстому Л. Н., 1 октября 1909 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 15кб.
5. Толстой Л. Н. - Кониси Д. П., 30 сентября 1896 г.
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6. Толстой Л. Н. - Садигу Муфти Мухамеду (Mufti Muhammad Sadig), 22 мая (4 июня) 1903 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 4кб.
7. Толстой Л. Н. - Мерц Луизе (Louise Maertz), 6 мая 1907 г.
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8. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John С. Kenworthy), 8 июля 1894 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 19кб.
9. Толстой Л. Н. - Макдональду Александру (Alexander Macdonald), 26 июля 1895 г.
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10. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John Kenworthy), 17 (18) октября 1896 г.
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11. Толстой Л. Н. - Джорджу Генри (Henry George), 27 марта 1896 г.
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12. Толстой Л. Н. - Кросби Эрнесту (Ernest Crosby), 11 апреля 1898 г.
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13. Толстой Л. Н. - Хэйгу Александру (Alexander Haig), 30 июня (13 июля) 1904 г.
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14. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John С. Kenworthy), 15 мая 1894 г.
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15. Толстой Л. Н. - Стадлингу Ионасу (Jonas Stadling), 9 (21) октября 1899 г.
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16. Маковицкий Д. П.: "Яснополянские записки". 1910 г. Январь
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1. Letter to a Hindoo (Письмо к индусу)
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Часть текста:   I Do not seek rest in that plane where the earthly gives birth to thoughts and desires, for if thou dost, thou wilt be dragged through the rough wilderness of life, which is not of Me. Whenever thou feelest that thy feet are becoming entangled in the interlaced roots of life, know then that thou hast strayed from the path to which I beckon thee, for I have placed thee in broad smooth paths which are strewn with flowers. I have put a light before thee, which thou can’st follow and thus run without stumbling. Krishna P. 212. I received your letter and the two issues of the magazine. Both were intensely interesting to me; indeed, the oppression of a majority by the minority of a people and the corruption which flows from it, is a phenomenon which has always occupied my mind and at present is entirely occupying my attention. I will endeavour to convey to you what I think, both in a particular and a general way, about those causes from which those dreadful calamities have arisen and do arise, of which you write in your letter and which are also mentioned in the two numbers of the Hindoo magazine you sent me. The causes, owing to which this astonishing spectacle arises, of the majority of the labouring classes submitting to a mere handful of idlers whom it permits to dispose not only of its labour but also of its very life, are always and everywhere the same; whether the oppressors and the...
2. Толстой Л. Н. - Кросби Э. (Е. Crosby), 1896 - 1900 гг.
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Часть текста: you advised it but never the less I am affraid that this will entangle me in this desagreable business with which I had nothing to do. I got also your book 2 for whieh I thank you. I like the book very, very much. Some of the pieces the choice is difficult, becouse all are very good — I will have translated in Russian and publisch. There is nothing more new and interesting as the most common subjects looked at from a Christian point of view. And that is what you are doing in your book and doing with talent and sincerity. I will very much like to see M-r Herron 3 but I am affraid that his ideas shall not be partaken by me. I think that Christian principles can have real influence only when they are thorough. Christianity can not bear halfmeasures. There is only the key for the lock that opens it. A key which is nearly the real one is of no use. If we can not be thorough in our lifes, deads [?]let us try to be as thorough as possible in our idead, because to be thorough in ones ideas there is no hindrance. I like very much the Christian[?] gospel 4 and it is a great joy for me to know that I have so many true friends and brothers among your countrymen. Yours truly Leo Tolstoy. Мой дорогой м-р Кросби, Я получил ваше письмо и пишу, как вы мне посоветовали сделать, письмо м-ру Рейнольдсу. 1 Я это сделал, потому что вы посоветовали, но тем не менее боюсь, что это вовлечет меня в неприятное дело, с которым я не имею ничего общего. Я получил также вашу книгу, 2 за которую вас благодарю. Она мне очень, очень нравится. Некоторые отрывки — выбирать трудно, потому что все очень хороши,...
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Шоу Бернарду (Bernard G. Shaw), 15 - 26 апреля 1910 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 8кб.
Часть текста: ее мне вполне сочувственен. Ваши замечания о том, что проповедь добра обыкновенно мало действует на людей и молодые люди считают достоинством всё то, что противоречит этой проповеди, совершенно справедливы. Но причина этого явления совсем не та, чтобы такая проповедь была не нужна, но только та, что проповедующие не исполняют того, что проповедуют, т. е. — лицемерие. Тоже не согласен с тем, что вы называете вашей теологией. Вы полемизируете в ней с тем, во что уже никто из мыслящих людей нашего времени не верит и не может верить. Между тем вы сами как будто признаете бога, имеющего определенные и понятные вам цели. «То my mind unless we conceive God as engaged in a continual struggle to surpass himself, — as striving at every birth to make a better man than before, we are conceiving nothing better, than an omnipotent snob». 1 Об остальном же вашем рассуждении о боге и о зле повторяю слова, которые я высказал, как вы пишете, о вашем «Man and Superman», 2 а именно, что вопросы о боге, о зле и добре слишком важны для того, чтобы говорить о них шутя. И потому откровенно скажу вам, что заключительные слова вашего письма произвели на меня очень тяжелое впечатление: «suppose the world were only one...
4. Ганди М. К. - Толстому Л. Н., 1 октября 1909 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 15кб.
Часть текста: considered to be degrading and calculated to unman those to whom it was applicable. I felt that submission to a law of this nature, was inconsistent with the spirit of true religion. I and some of my friends were, and still are firm believers in the doctrine of nonresistance to evil. I had the privilege of studying your writings also, which left a deep impression on my mind. British Indians, before whom the position was fully explained, accepted the advice that we should not submit to the legislation, but that we should suffer imprisonment, or whatever other penalties the law may impose for its breach. The result has been that nearly one half of the Indian population, that was unable to stand the heat of the struggle to suffer the hardships of imprisonment, have withdrawn from the Transvaal rather than submit to a law which they have considered degrading. Of the other half, nearly 2,500 have for conscience’sake allowed themselves to be imprisoned — some as many as five time. The imprisonments have varied from four days to six months; in the majority of cases with hard labour. Many have been financially ruined. At present there are over 100 passive resisters in the Transvaal gaols. Some of these have...
5. Толстой Л. Н. - Кониси Д. П., 30 сентября 1896 г.
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Часть текста: Buddhism nor Confucianism can give. All the great teachers of humanity have at all time preached the brotherhood of men, but it is Christianity alone, which points out the way, whereby this can be attained. You have translated my works, such as «the Kreuzer Sonata» etc., but I very much wish to make the Japanese public familiar with true Christianity, as I think its founder conceived it. This, as far as I could, I expounded in my book: «The kingdom of god is within you». I think, these books or, at least, an exposition of their contents might be of interest to the Japanese people and might show them, that Christianity is not a collection of miracle narratives, but a very srtict exposition of that idea of human life, which gives wise neither to despair, nor to indifference about ones conduct, but which leads to a most definite moral activity. I advised your friends to order from Geneva those books, which you would like to have. But if you wish it, I will myself send you for translation the book, on which I am now engaged. As far, as I have been able to make it, it contains the most condensed and precise exposition of the Christian teaching. I gave Toku-Tomi some articles 3 to be sent to you. If these will prove of any use to you, I shall be very pleased. Now farewell. I would grasp your hand in friendship. I send you every good wish. Léon Tolstoy. 30 September 1896. Дорогой Кониси, Я очень рад был познакомиться с Току-Томи и его спутником: 1 они показались мне очень просвещенными и свободными в своих взглядах людьми. Очень порадовался я тоже тому, что...
6. Толстой Л. Н. - Садигу Муфти Мухамеду (Mufti Muhammad Sadig), 22 мая (4 июня) 1903 г.
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Часть текста: Muhammad Sadig. Dear Sir, I received your letter as well as the leaflet with the portrait of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and lately a specimen number of the «Review of Religions». 1 The proofs of the death of Jesus and the pretended discovery of his tomb are quite useless because no reasonable man can believe in resurrection. What belongs to the man Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, w[h]ich you call the promised Messiah, all what you write about him and what is written in the leaflet has no interest whatever for me. 2 We need no Messiah, we need only reasonable religious teaching and if Mirza Ahmad can teach men some new and reasonable doctrine I will be very glad to profit by it, but I know nothing of it. In the «Specimen Number» I approuved very much two articles: «How to get rid of sin» and «The life to come», especially the second. The idea is very profound and very true. Thank you very much for sending this specimen, as well as for your letter. Yours truly Leo Tolstoy. 5 Juny 1903. Муфти Мухамеду Садигу. Милостивый государь, Получил ваше письмо и листок с портретом Мирзы Гулам Ахмеда, а недавно — еще образцовый номер «Review of Religions». 1 Доказательства смерти Иисуса и мнимое открытие его могилы совершенно бесполезны, потому что ни один разумный человек не может верить в воскресение. Что же касается человека Мирзы Гулам Ахмеда, которого вы называете обещанным мессией, то всё, что вы пишете о нем и что о нем написано в листке, не имеет для меня ни малейшего интереса. 2 Нам не нужен мессия, нам нужно только разумное религиозное учение, и если Мирза Ахмед может дать людям какое-нибудь новое и разумное учение, я был бы рад им воспользоваться, но я об этом ничего не знаю. В...
7. Толстой Л. Н. - Мерц Луизе (Louise Maertz), 6 мая 1907 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 4кб.
Часть текста: the feeding that there is no danger of famine for the children. But there is great need of cattle, instruments and even clothes. My friend has decided to spend the money that is entrusted to him on those objects. I agree with him on that point and if you have nothing against your money being spent in the same way, I will forward it to him. I shall wait for your answer, and will send your to Samara only if I receive your consent; or on the opposite case will forward it back to you. Милостивая государыня, Я получил чек, который вы мне прислали. Один из моих друзей находится теперь в Самаре, где оказывает помощь бедным с 1000 фунтов, присланных мне канадскими духоборами. 1 Он пишет, что Красный крест устроил так хорошо кормление, что опасности голода для детей нет никакой. Но есть большая нужда в скоте, инструменте, даже одежде. Мой друг решил употребить доверенные ему деньги на эти предметы. Я согласен с ним, и, если вы не имеете ничего против того, чтобы ваши деньги были истрачены таким же образом, я перешлю их ему. Буду ждать вашего ответа и пошлю деньги в Самару лишь в случае вашего согласия, в противном же случае возвращу их вам обратно. Примечания Печатается по черновику, написанному рукой T. Л. Сухотиной (хранится в копировальной книге № 7, ...
8. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John С. Kenworthy), 8 июля 1894 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 19кб.
Часть текста: affected by the seldom noticed words of Christ to his 70 disciples, when they returned from preaching and boasted of their success, saying that everywhere the devils were subject unto them: «In this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather, because your names are written in heaven». In other words: seek not exterior success visible to all men, do not count your proselytes, as do the churchmen & the salvation army, 1 but seek to be in the truth, never to deviate from it & success, thoough perhaps invisible to you, will follow, will certainly follow, because when a man is in the truth he will act and his action will inevitably have the most fruitful results, if even they will not be visible to him. The same is expressed in the words «Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness & all these things shall be added unto you»; & in the words: «Be ye wise as serpents, & harmless as doves». Truth in order to influence men should be complete, not clipped, not adapted to the life of men of the world. And this is always being forgotten by mankind. And owing to this the most powerful efforts have been and are yet lost in vain. Precious is not that community which we may organize at Toula or Croydon 3 with the help of those near to us in time and space, although such a community may also have its object & signification, but precious is that community of men of all times and nations, who unite in the one truth, in which I have been brought into communion with men, so distant from me in space & time, & amongst others with you. The community, which is now necessary for mankind, will be composed not of men, who will unite in order to realize certain economical aims advantageous for themselves, like that «Brotherhood of Trust», 4 of...
9. Толстой Л. Н. - Макдональду Александру (Alexander Macdonald), 26 июля 1895 г.
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Часть текста: of such letters as yours. As for your questions, I will very gladly try to answer them as well as I can. 1) I have got nothing against the usual assembling of people confessing the Christian doctrine on Sundays in halls that they call churches. But I think, that these assemblies ought not to be devoted, as they usually are, to public and uniform public prayers, firstly, because the repetition on Sunday in the same words is perfectly useless, as it very soon becomes a mechanical procedure; secondly and chiefly, because in the Gospels this error is plainly pointed out and it is there definitely said (Math. VI), that one should not pray in public places, but in solitude, which is corroborated both by the reason and the experience of every man, who has ever sincerely prayed to God, as the assembly of people only distracts, makes one’s thoughts wander and diverts them. I think that Sunday rest and dedication of this day to spiritual exercise may take place in the most various forms. One may suggest, that men of the same spirit, meeting together on Sunday, should bring to their meeting such religious books or articles which they find in ancient and modern literature and read and discuss them together; one may suggest, that meeting together on Sunday men of the same spirit should arrange...
10. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John Kenworthy), 17 (18) октября 1896 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 8кб.
Часть текста: a system and is consequent in proposing his «moyen», because he believes in it. But I never heard from any socialist, communist or anarchist an explanation, how the communistic or socialistic system will work, why will the egoistic men cease to be egoistic, and what will prompt them to sustain a system, which, will not be advantageous for them personally, and never could comprehend, what advantage will have anarchy over the existing state of things, or how could anarchy be founded and last, if the hearts of men are not changed, if men have not accepted the Christian point of view. The «Gospel in brief» 3 I have looked through, and it seems to me to be a very good translation. I thank you heartely for the preface and for your book «The... 4 I have began to read Carpenter’s book 5 and find it very good. Please give him my thanks for sending it. I have read only the first article — Civilisation. The Epilogue of Maude’s book is excellent. 6 I never thought that he was so firm and radical, going to the last conclusions. I admire and envy you in your manual work. It is one of the first conditions for a good life. I try again to work and hope not to abandone it...