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1. Letter to a Hindoo (Письмо к индусу)
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2. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John Kenworthy), 10 ноября 1896 г.
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3. Толстой Л. Н. - Дэниэлю К. В. (C. W. Daniel), 22 декабря 1906 г.
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4. Толстой Л. Н. - Ролcтону Вильяму (William Ralston), 27 октября 1878 г.
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1. Letter to a Hindoo (Письмо к индусу)
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Часть текста: LETTER TO A HINDOO All that exists is One; people only call this One by different names. Veddas. God is love, and he that abideth in love abideth in God, and God abideth in him. 1 Ep. John. Chap. 4. God is one Whole; we are the parts. Exposition of the teaching of the Veddas by Vivekananda.   I Do not seek rest in that plane where the earthly gives birth to thoughts and desires, for if thou dost, thou wilt be dragged through the rough wilderness of life, which is not of Me. Whenever thou feelest that thy feet are becoming entangled in the interlaced roots of life, know then that thou hast strayed from the path to which I beckon thee, for I have placed thee in broad smooth paths which are strewn with flowers. I have put a light before thee, which thou can’st follow and thus run without stumbling. Krishna P. 212. I received your letter and the two issues of the magazine. Both were intensely interesting to me; indeed, the oppression of a majority by the minority of a people and the corruption which flows from it, is a phenomenon which has always occupied my mind and at present is entirely occupying my attention. I will endeavour to convey to you what I think, both in a particular and a general way, about those causes from which those dreadful calamities have arisen and do arise, of which you write in your letter and which are also mentioned in the two numbers of the Hindoo magazine you sent me. The causes, owing to which this astonishing spectacle arises, of the...
2. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John Kenworthy), 10 ноября 1896 г.
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Часть текста: which we feel in ourselves, and that the unique means for Love to manifest itself and to expand is Truth. Falsehood, and especially falsehood against oneself, hinders Love to manifest itself and to expand. Therefore truth is so necessary and is the first of our duties; therefore also all the so often hypocritically used admonitions to love one’s neighbour are false and vain. Love is God and God is infinite, and man cannot augment God. All what a man can and must do, is to put aside all hindrances for the manifestation of God, i. e. Love, which is in him. And there is only one thing, that hinders this manifestation: that is falsehood. And not to think and to speak lies, when a man knows, that what he thinks and what he says is not true, is in the power of man. Therefore the first duty of man, who wishes to live a real life, is to be truthful in thoughts, words and deeds. And to this every man can tend and attain this «but». To be truthful in reference to your article, I must say, that I expected it stronger and shorter, especially the first part. You can write much better. You notice, that I always criticize your writings, it is because I love and esteem you and feel myself obliged to be so strict and severe in my judgements of you, as I try to be on myself. I hope, that notwithstanding my bad English and my faults you will understand, what I wished to say. My article on Vanderveer has been published in French Journal des Débats, I hope, that that shall not be an obstacle for the English publication. Yours truly Leo Tolstoy. 1896. 10 Nov. Дорогой друг, Я получил ваше письмо и статью о правде 1 и прочел ее с большим интересом. Из наших разговоров в Москве 2 я заметил, что вы признаете правду и любовь за основу истинной жизни, и я инстинктивно соглашался с вами, хотя не понимал, что...
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Дэниэлю К. В. (C. W. Daniel), 22 декабря 1906 г.
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Часть текста: П. 22 December 1906 4 Jan. 1907 То the odd man of the Crank. Dear sir, I thank you very much for the Crank Magazine, which I enjoy very much. To-day I have read the last article of Worland: 1 «The earth for all», 2 it is very good, especially his criticism of Malthus’s theory, 3 which notwithstanding its weakness has had such a large spreading. I think that true Christianity with its ideal of chastity is the best remedy of the imaginary future excess of the population. I will take care that it should be translated in russian, if he will allow it. I liked it very much, also your answer to Schaw, 4 as I like all the pages signed by «Odd Man». I would be very glad to know your name and be in direct intercourse with you. Have you many subscribers to your magazine? I wish the greatest success to your work, so very necessary in our time. Yours truly Leo Tolstoy. P. S. Reading your very good note to the word «anarchism» I remembered on the same matter the saying of Lao-Tze; he says: when great sages have power over the people, the people do not notice them, if the power is in the hands of sages (not great ones), the people...
4. Толстой Л. Н. - Ролcтону Вильяму (William Ralston), 27 октября 1878 г.
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Часть текста: of such importance as to interest by the incidents of my life not only the Russian, but also the European public. I am fully convinced by many examples of writers, of whom their contemporaries made very much of and which were quite forgotten in their lifetime, that for contemporaries it is impossible to judge rightly on the merits of literary works, and therefore, notwithstanding my wishes, I cannot partake the temporary illusion of some friends of mine, which seem to be sure, that my works must occupy some place in the Russian literature. Quite sincerely not knowing, if my works shall be read after hundred years, or will be forgotten in a hundred days, I do not wish to take a ridiculous part in the very probable mistake of my friends. Hoping, that on consideration of my motives you will kindly excuse my refusal, I am Yours faithfully C. L. Tolstoy. На конверте: Лондон. Г-ну Ралстону. London. M-r Ralston. Exquire. 8 Alfred Place. Bedford Square. Милостивый государь. Я очень сожалею, что не могу дать на ваше письмо положительного ответа. Дело в том, что я очень сомневаюсь, чтобы я был таким значительным писателем, события жизни которого могли бы представлять интерес не только для русской, но и для европейской публики. Я вполне убежден многочисленными примерами писателей, которых современники ставили сначала очень высоко, но которые затем были совершенно забыты еще при...