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1. The hostelry (Гостиница)
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2. Анцыферова О. Ю.: "Севастопольские рассказы" Льва Толстого и военная проза Стивена Крейна
Входимость: 1. Размер: 29кб.
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John С. Kenworthy), 8 июля 1894 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 19кб.

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1. The hostelry (Гостиница)
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Часть текста: (A parable for children) There was a benevolent man who wished to do as much good as he could to men, and he bethought himself that the best way to do this was to....[25] an inn in such a place where many people passed and of furnishing it with all that could be of use or give pleasure to men. So he arranged a hostelry with comfortable rooms, good stoves, fuel, lighting, store-rooms full of every kind of provisions, vegetables and all sorts of refreshment, also beds, every kind of clothes, underwear and boots in such quantities as to suffice for a great quantity of people. Having arranged all this the benefactor wrate very distingly a direction how to use his hostelry and all the thing that where gathered in it. This decretion the benefactor nailed on the entrance door so that every man should see it. In the direction it was writen that every man who entered the hostelry might stay in it as long as it was good for him and might eate and drink at his heart content and use all what was gathered in the inn clothes or boots or kind of provisions. The sole condition...
2. Анцыферова О. Ю.: "Севастопольские рассказы" Льва Толстого и военная проза Стивена Крейна
Входимость: 1. Размер: 29кб.
Часть текста: слава пришла к Стивену Крейну с опубликованием его романа "Алый знак доблести" ( The Red Badge of Courage ) в 1895 году. Английская и американская пресса отозвалась на него шквалом по большей части восторженных отзывов. Все рецензенты почувствовали в романе "русский след". Автор первой (анонимной) рецензии от 13 октября 1895 года писал в New York Press : "Это необыкновенное и беспощадное воспроизведение психологии битвы, в котором парализующий страх, отчаянная храбрость и позорное бегство имеют словно бы гипнотическое происхождение. Никому до Толстого, насколько нам известно, не удавалось так живо описать будничные, незначительные детали поведения человека и его ощущений в самом разгаре боя" 1 . Современники почувствовали яркое новаторство Крейна в трактовке военной темы, связали его с углубленным психологическим анализом и практически однозначно отнесли за счет влияния Толстого. Важной аналогией в описании войны у Крейна и Толстого, по наблюдению рецензентов, оказалась их преимущественное внимание к ее будничной стороне. Полковник Хиггинсон писал в статье под симптоматичным заглавием "О...
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John С. Kenworthy), 8 июля 1894 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 19кб.
Часть текста: words of Christ to his 70 disciples, when they returned from preaching and boasted of their success, saying that everywhere the devils were subject unto them: «In this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather, because your names are written in heaven». In other words: seek not exterior success visible to all men, do not count your proselytes, as do the churchmen & the salvation army, 1 but seek to be in the truth, never to deviate from it & success, thoough perhaps invisible to you, will follow, will certainly follow, because when a man is in the truth he will act and his action will inevitably have the most fruitful results, if even they will not be visible to him. The same is expressed in the words «Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness & all these things shall be added unto you»; & in the words: «Be ye wise as serpents, & harmless as doves». Truth in order to influence men should be complete, not clipped, not adapted to the life of men of the world. And this is always being forgotten by mankind. And owing to this the most powerful efforts have been and are yet lost in vain. Precious is not that community which we may organize at Toula or Croydon 3 with the help of those near to us in time and space, although such a community may also have its object & signification, but precious is that community of men of all times and nations, who unite in the one truth, in...