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1. Толстой Л. Н. - Баллу Адину (Adin Ballou), 21 (24) февраля 1890 г.
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2. Толстой Л. Н. - Блэку А. (A. Blake), 12 ноября 1888 г.
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3. Толстой Л. Н. - Крауфорду Джону (John Crauford), 5 марта 1894 г.
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4. Letter to a Hindoo (Письмо к индусу)
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5. Толстой Л. Н. - Мооду Эльмеру (Aylmer Maude), 8 ноября 1897 г.
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6. Толстой Л. Н. - Вильсону Л. Ж. (L. G. Wilson), 22 июня 1889 г.
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1. Толстой Л. Н. - Баллу Адину (Adin Ballou), 21 (24) февраля 1890 г.
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Часть текста: his feebleness and his striving to attain perfection. And such a compromise in practice is not a sin, but a necessary condition of every Christian life. The great sin is the compromise in theory, is the plan to lower the ideal of Christ in view to make it attainable. And I consider the admission of force (be it even benevolent) over a madman (the great difficulty is to give a strict definition of a madman) to be such a theoretical compromise. In not admitting this compromise I run the risk only of my death or the death of other men who can be killed by the madman; but death will come sooner or later, and death in fulfilling the will of God is a blessing (as you put it yourself in your book); but in admitting this compromise I run the risk of acting contrary to the law of Christ — which is worse than death. It is the same with property. As soon as I admit in principle my right to property, I necessarily will try to keep it from others and to increase it, and therefore will deviate very far from the ideal of Christ. Only when I profess daringly that a Christian cannot have any property — will I in practice come near to the ideal of Christ in this instance. There is a striking example of such a deviation in theory about anger in Matth., V, 22, where the added word είχη̃ («without any cause») have justified and still justify now every intolerance, punishment, and evil, which have been and are so often done by nominal Christians. The more we keep in mind the ideal of a straight line as the shortest distance between two points the nearer we will come to trace in reality a straight line. The purer we keep the ideal of Christ's perfection in its; unattainableness, the nearer we will in reality come to it. — Allow me now to argue upon several dogmatical differences of opinion: about the...
2. Толстой Л. Н. - Блэку А. (A. Blake), 12 ноября 1888 г.
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Часть текста: against those who try to hide it. By many signs of the times I think that «verily, verily I say unto you the hour is coming and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the son of God». I think so because not only in you but in many people of different culture I see this awakening consciousness that we are deceived, that the organization of our life is a mockery of the teaching of Christ which we profess. That this life is miserable and sinful, and that it could he blissful and holy. And that for to attain this end we have only to shake off the ancient imposture in which we now live. Do you know the writings of Matthew Arnold? His «Literature and Dogma», Parker’s discourse on religious subjects, Garrison’s «Non-resistance» and his «declaration of sentiments»? All this and many others is the same that you and I speak and write of, viz. that Christ gave us a programme of life as an architect would have given the plan of a building and a deceiver would have stolen the plan and put a false one in it’s stead, to compromise the architect. I think that many people over the world are begining to get aware that they are Labouring under a mistake and turn to the true teaching of Christ. I think that the hour is coming, but that we must remember the words said by Christ to his disciples. «Be ye therefore wise as serpentes, and harmless as doves». We must remember that every fault of ours destroys God’s work. And therefore according to your wish I do the following comments upon your book. The faults in your book are: 1) That you affirm the dogmas of creation, redemption, resurrection and of the reality of hell and eternal torments. This affirmation cannot be proved, and cannot help to lead a Christian life and must be repulsive to reasonable people. 2) That you...
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Крауфорду Джону (John Crauford), 5 марта 1894 г.
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Часть текста: Л. Н. - Крауфорду Джону (John Crauford), 5 марта 1894 г. 63. Джону Крауфорду (John Crauford). 1894 г. Марта 5. Москва. Dear Sir, I received yesterday your letter with the pamphlets and thank heartily for sending them to me. It is one of the greatest joy’s of this life for me to know that thes ame god’s work, that I am trying to do, is done by so many others. I firmly believe, that the time, when Christ’s teaching will become not only a teaching, but a reality, is very near and your writing and acting strengthen this belief». With brotherly love, yours truly Leo Tolstoy. 5 March 1894. I would be very thankful, if you should give me some particulars of your biography. Милостивый государь, Я получил вчера ваше письмо с брошюрами и сердечно благодарю вас за присылку их мне. Одна из величайших моих радостей в этой жизни — знать, что то же божье дело, которое я стараюсь делать, делается также многими другими. Я твердо верю, что очень близко то время, когда учение Христа станет не только учением, но действительностью, и ваши писания и деятельность укрепляют эту веру. С братской любовью, преданный вам Лев Толстой. 5 марта 1894. Я был бы очень благодарен, если бы вы ...
4. Letter to a Hindoo (Письмо к индусу)
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Часть текста: paths which are strewn with flowers. I have put a light before thee, which thou can’st follow and thus run without stumbling. Krishna P. 212. I received your letter and the two issues of the magazine. Both were intensely interesting to me; indeed, the oppression of a majority by the minority of a people and the corruption which flows from it, is a phenomenon which has always occupied my mind and at present is entirely occupying my attention. I will endeavour to convey to you what I think, both in a particular and a general way, about those causes from which those dreadful calamities have arisen and do arise, of which you write in your letter and which are also mentioned in the two numbers of the Hindoo magazine you sent me. The causes, owing to which this astonishing spectacle arises, of the majority of the labouring classes submitting to a mere handful of idlers whom it permits to dispose not only of its labour but also of its very life, are always and everywhere the same; whether the oppressors and the oppressed belong to the same, or, as is the case in India and in other countries, where the dominant class belongs to an entirely different nation from those oppressed. It appears especially strange of India, for here we have a people of 200 millions of individuals, highly endowed with spiritual and physical powers, in absolute subjection to a small clique, composed of persons utterly alien in thought and aspiration and altogether...
5. Толстой Л. Н. - Мооду Эльмеру (Aylmer Maude), 8 ноября 1897 г.
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Часть текста: выраженных словами» означает поэтическое искусство — не одними словами , но образами, выраженными словами. 5 6) Гаспар Гаузер 6 был молодой человек в 20-х или 30-х года[х] нашег[о] века в каком-то немецком княжестве, найденный в тюрьме, где он жил без сношений с людьми и был как дикий человек. Сведения о нем должны быть в каждом большом Энциклоп[едическом] лексиконе. 7) Пятую главу я послал вам с изменениями. Простите пожалуйста за это. 8) Императоров — почитаемых богами. 7 9) Виклиф, Гус. 8 10) Heretics — лучше. 9 11) О Богомилах ость русское сочинение Венгеров[а] 10 и должно быть во всякой истории церкви. 12) Гл. VI, стр. 8. Изменить так: вместо: к пониманию грубых греков, — к грубому пониманию первобытных греков. 11 13) Kritische Geschichte der Aesthetik von Max Schassler, p. 253, § 25. 14) Предполагаемое вами изменение — о Марксе — хорошо. 12 15) Гл. VII, стр. 8 внизу. These words so combined , not only. So combined не нужно. 13 16) Глава IX, стр. 5. Вместо: картины из 100, 99, поставить: Большинство картин франц[узских] художников. 14 15 На этом кончаются ваши замечания в письме 6 ноября. Перехожу к последнему письму. 1) Гл. VIII. Первое изменение очень хорошо. 16 2) О том, что я разумею под народным иск[усством] говорится далее. 3) Гл. VIII, стр. 2. Не нужно: esthetic art, a this art. 17 4) ? не нужно. 5) Гл. VIII, стр. 4 и 5. Тяжелые и длинные периоды переделаны так, как значится в прилагаемом листке. 18 6) Гл. VIII, стр. 6. Вместо: разрубанием гордиева узла — поставить: отрицанием одной стороны ее: именно права народных масс и... 19 7) Избранные — elect. 8) Aphrodite есть сочинение Pierr’a Louis. 20 Вот и всё. Со всеми остальными замечаниями я вполне...
6. Толстой Л. Н. - Вильсону Л. Ж. (L. G. Wilson), 22 июня 1889 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 11кб.
Часть текста: 22 июня 1889 г. 391. Л. Ж. Вильсону (L. G. Wilson). 1889 г. Июня 22. Я. П. Iasnaya Polyana Tula, Russia Iuly 5, 1889 Dear Sir. I have seldom experienced so much gratification as I had in reading Mr. Ballou’s 1 treatise and tracts. I cannot agree with your opinion that Mr. Ballou «will not go down to posterity among the immortals...» I think that because he has been one of the first true apostles of the «New Time» — he will be in the future acknowledged as one of the chief benefactors of humanity. If, in his long and seemingly unsuccessful career, Mr. Ballou has experienced moments of depression in thinking that his efforts have been vain; he has only partaken of the fate of his and our Master. Tell him please, that his efforts have not been vain, they give great strength to people, as I can judge from myself. In those tracts I found all the objections that are generally made against «non-resistance» victoriously answered and also the true basis of the doctrine. I will endeavor to translate and propagate as much as I can, the works of Mr. Ballou, and I not only hope, but am convinced, that the time is come, «when the dead hear the voice of the Son of god; and they that hear shall live». The only comments that I wish to make on Mr. Ballou’s explanation of the doctrine, are, firstly, that I cannot agree with the concession that he makes for...