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1. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John Kenworthy), 27 июня 1896 г.
Входимость: 5. Размер: 11кб.
2. Толстой Л. Н. - Макдональду Александру (Alexander Macdonald), 26 июля 1895 г.
Входимость: 4. Размер: 20кб.
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Гибсону Дж. (G. Gibson), 11 марта 1898 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 12кб.
4. Толстой Л. Н. - Рамазесхану А. (A. Ramaseshan), 25 июля 1901 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 9кб.
5. Толстой Л. Н. - Томпсону Франку (Frank Thompson), 1 (14) марта 1907 г.
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6. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John С. Kenworthy), 8 июля 1894 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 19кб.
7. Ганди М. К. - Толстому Л. Н., 1 октября 1909 г.
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8. Толстой Л. Н. - Бхарати Баба Премананд (Baba Premanand Bhârati), 3 (16) февраля 1907 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 10кб.
9. Толстой Л. Н. - Мооду Эйльмеру (Aylmer Maude), 13 августа 1902 г.
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1. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John Kenworthy), 27 июня 1896 г.
Входимость: 5. Размер: 11кб.
Часть текста: evil of the world is due to our wishing to see the realization of what we are striving at, but are not ready for, and therefore being satisfied with the semblance of that, which should be. Compulsory governement organization is indeed nought else, than the semblance of good order, which is maintained by prisons, gallows, police, army and workhouses. Of real order there is none; only, that which infringes, it is hidden from our view in prisons, penal settlements and slums. And I think, that the dicease remains so long uncured, because it is concealed. So likewise with brotherhood or church communities. They also are semblances. There cannot be a community of saints among sinners. I think, that the members of a community in order to keep the semblance of sainthood must necessarily commit many new sins. We are so created, that we cannot become perfect either one by one, or in groups, but (from the very nature of the case) only all together. The warmth of any drop (or particle) is transmitted to all the others. And were it possible to conserve the heat of one particle, so that it should not pass to the others and therefore did not cool — it would only prove, that we took for heat, was not true heat. And I therefore think, that were our friends to direct towards their inner spiritual growth all the portion of attention and energy, which they devote to the sustainement of the outer form of a community amongst...
2. Толстой Л. Н. - Макдональду Александру (Alexander Macdonald), 26 июля 1895 г.
Входимость: 4. Размер: 20кб.
Часть текста: and the experience of every man, who has ever sincerely prayed to God, as the assembly of people only distracts, makes one’s thoughts wander and diverts them. I think that Sunday rest and dedication of this day to spiritual exercise may take place in the most various forms. One may suggest, that men of the same spirit, meeting together on Sunday, should bring to their meeting such religious books or articles which they find in ancient and modern literature and read and discuss them together; one may suggest, that meeting together on Sunday men of the same spirit should arrange dinners for the poor and themselves serve those dinners; one may suggest, that meeting together men of the same spirit should confess their sins to each other and discuss them. In short one can think of a hundred different forms of worship, which should all have for their aim a mutual spiritual help and should not be mechanical, but sensible. 2) Do I believe in the resurrection and that there is a hereafter? I believe in true, i. e. indestructible life which Christ has disclosed to us and for the which death does not exist. But this life should in no-wise be understood as a resurrection to future...
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Гибсону Дж. (G. Gibson), 11 марта 1898 г.
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Часть текста: is sincere in his сhristian faith, and therefore the organization of communities seems to such a man the only means of delivering himself from these contradictions. But this is an illusion. Every community is a small island in the mist of an ocean of unchristian conditions of life, so that the christian relations exist only between members of the colony but outside that must remain unchristian, otherwise the colony would not exist for a moment. And therefore to live in community cannot save a christian from the contradiction between his conscience and his life. I do not mean to say that I do not approve of communities such as your commonwealth, or that I do not think them to be a good thing. On the contrary, I approve of them with all my heart and am very interested in your commonwealth and wish it the greatest success. I think that every man who can free himself from the conditions of wordly life without breaking the ties of love — love the main principle in the name of which he seeks new forms of life — I think such a man not only must, but naturally join people who have the same beliefs and who try to live up to them. If I were free I would immediately even at my age join such a colony. I only wished to say that the mere forming of communities is not a solution for the christian problem, but is only one of the means of its solution. The revolution that is going on for the attainment of the christian ideal is so enormous, our life is so different from what it ought to be, that for the perfect success of this revolution, for the concordance of conscience and life, is needed the work of all men — men living in communities as well as men of the world living in the most different conditions....
4. Толстой Л. Н. - Рамазесхану А. (A. Ramaseshan), 25 июля 1901 г.
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Часть текста: together by force is not only in a provisory state, but in a very dangerous one. The bonds that keep together such a society are always in danger of being broken and the society itself — liable to experience the greatest evils. In such a position are all the European states. The only solution of the social problem for reasonable beings endowed with the capacity of love is the abolition of violence and the organization of society based on mutual love and reasonable principles, voluntarily accepted by all. Such a state can be attained only by the development of true religion. By the words «true religion» I mean the fundamental principles of all religions which are 1) the consciousness of the divine essence of human soul and 2) respect for its manifestation — human life. Your religion is very old and very profound in its metaphysical definition of the relation of man to the spiritual All — the Atman; but I think it was maimed in its moral, i. e. practical application to life; by the existence of caste. This practical application to life, so far as I know, has been made only by Jainism, 1 Buddhism and some of your sects, such as Kabir...
5. Толстой Л. Н. - Томпсону Франку (Frank Thompson), 1 (14) марта 1907 г.
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Часть текста: it without writing you that I remember with great pleasure your visit and our conversations and especially your modesty together with your spirituality. With true brotherly love, yours L. Tolstoy. 1/14-th March 1907. Toula, Jasnaja Poliana. Дорогой г-н Томпсон, Я был очень рад получить ваше письмо и узнать, что вы продолжаете работать над своей духовной жизнью и стараетесь помогать другим в этом же направлении. Я получил «The Gospel of Buddha», которую вы послали мне, и очень благодарю вас за нее. Я уже знал эту книгу, но очень рад ее иметь, так как очень ее ценю. 1 Я дал прочесть ее моей дочери Александре, для которой она нова и которой принесет пользу. Очень благодарю за ваше любезное письмо. Лев Толстой. Я был не так болен, как очень слаб, и поэтому просил мою дочь написать это письмо, но не хочу отсылать его, не приписав, что я с большим удовольствием вспоминаю ваше посещение и наши разговоры, в особенности же вашу скромность и вашу духовность. С истинной братской любовью ваш Л. Толстой. 1/14-го марта 1907. Тула, Ясная Поляна. Примечания Печатается по копировальной книге № 7, л. 272. Первая часть письма и дата написаны рукой Т. Л. Сухотиной, подпись и приписка собственноручные. Текст,...
6. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John С. Kenworthy), 8 июля 1894 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 19кб.
Часть текста: truth, the acceptation of which would deliver men from their miseries and give them the greatest welfare; but, strange though it seems to say so nothing has so much hindered the spreading of the truth, as the too hasty desire to make others accept it. I have always been deeply affected by the seldom noticed words of Christ to his 70 disciples, when they returned from preaching and boasted of their success, saying that everywhere the devils were subject unto them: «In this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather, because your names are written in heaven». In other words: seek not exterior success visible to all men, do not count your proselytes, as do the churchmen & the salvation army, 1 but seek to be in the truth, never to deviate from it & success, thoough perhaps invisible to you, will follow, will certainly follow, because when a man is in the truth he will act and his action will inevitably have the most fruitful results, if even they will not be visible to him. The same is expressed in the words «Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness & all these things shall be added unto you»; & in the words: «Be ye wise as serpents, & harmless as doves». Truth in order to influence men should be complete, not clipped, not adapted to the life of men of the world. And this is always being forgotten by mankind. And owing to this the most powerful efforts have been and are yet lost in vain. Precious is not that community which we may organize at Toula or Croydon 3 with the help of those near to us in time...
7. Ганди М. К. - Толстому Л. Н., 1 октября 1909 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 15кб.
Часть текста: a law passed specially apllicable to Asiatics 1 , which I and many others considered to be degrading and calculated to unman those to whom it was applicable. I felt that submission to a law of this nature, was inconsistent with the spirit of true religion. I and some of my friends were, and still are firm believers in the doctrine of nonresistance to evil. I had the privilege of studying your writings also, which left a deep impression on my mind. British Indians, before whom the position was fully explained, accepted the advice that we should not submit to the legislation, but that we should suffer imprisonment, or whatever other penalties the law may impose for its breach. The result has been that nearly one half of the Indian population, that was unable to stand the heat of the struggle to suffer the hardships of imprisonment, have withdrawn from the Transvaal rather than submit to a law which they have considered degrading. Of the other half, nearly 2,500 have for conscience’sake allowed themselves to be imprisoned — some as many as five time. The imprisonments have varied from four days to six months; in the majority of cases with hard labour. Many have been financially ruined. At present there are over 100 passive resisters in the Transvaal gaols. Some of these have been very...
8. Толстой Л. Н. - Бхарати Баба Премананд (Baba Premanand Bhârati), 3 (16) февраля 1907 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 10кб.
Часть текста: Brother, It gives me joy to address you thus because I keenly feel my brotherhood to a man who, although physically so very far, is spiritually so very near to me. I have just finished to read your book «Krishna» and am under a very strong impression of it. I knew the teaching of Krishna before, but never had such a clear insight of it as I got from both parts of your book. Knowing you by your book I will reject all wordly considerations and be quite open with you, not fearing to hurt you by what I have to say. The metaphysical religious idea of the doctrine of Krishna, so well exposed in your book, is the eternal and universal foundation of all true philosophies and all religions. The truth that the principle of all that exists we cannot otherwise feel and understand than as Love and that the soul of man is an emanation of this principle, the development of which is what we call human life — is a truth that is more or less consciously felt by every man and therefore accessible to the most scientifically developed minds as well as to the most simple. This truth is the foundation of the religion of Krishna and of all religions. But in the religion of Krishna, as well as in all ancient religions, there are statements which not only cannot be proved, but which are clearly products of uncontrolled imagination and which, moreover, are quite unnecessary for the conception of the essential truth and the affirmation of rules of conduct which flow out of the fundamental principle. Such are all the cosmological and historical affirmations of creations, durability of the world, all the stories of miracles, the theory of the four ages and the immoral and contradictory to the fundamental principle organization of casts. Dear friend and brother, the task which is before you is to state the truth common to all men, which can and must unify the whole humanity in one and the same faith, and one and the same rule of conduct based on...
9. Толстой Л. Н. - Мооду Эйльмеру (Aylmer Maude), 13 августа 1902 г.
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Часть текста: it were a statement of my real opinions. I am glad, therefore, to see in your preface to the «Revised Edition» of Resurrection 1 a restatement of my views on the sex-question which is as reasonable as the summary in La Revue Blanche is absurd. Leo Tolstoy. Дорогой Эйльмер Моод, В мартовской книжке журнала «La Revue Blanche» помещено краткое изложение приписываемых мне взглядов на половой вопрос, сопровождаемое мнением о них целого ряда французских авторов. Приписываемые мне взгляды до нелепости абсурдны и представляют из себя плохое и неточное сокращение из собранных и напечатанных моим другом Владимиром Чертковым статей и бездатных отрывков. Удивительно то, что из всех авторов, высказавшихся по этому предмету, ни один не подозревает, что его обманули. Все они приняли это сокращение за выражение моих действительных взглядов. И потому мне приятно видеть в вашем предисловии к «пересмотренному изданию» «Воскресения» 1 изложение заново моих взглядов на половой вопрос, настолько же разумное, насколько нелепо сокращение в «La Revue Blanche». Лев Толстой. Примечания Печатается и датируется по машинописной копии. Впервые опубликовано, с датой 26 августа (н. ст.), в журнале «The Athenaeum», London, 1902, № 3910 от 4 октября, стр. 451. По поводу изданного В. Г. Чертковым на русском и английском языках сборника высказываний Толстого «О половом вопросе» (изд. «Свободное слово» и «Free Age Press», Christchurch, 1901) парижский журнал «La Revue Blanche» провел анкету среди видных литераторов. Ответили: Эмиль Золя, Клеманс Руайе,...