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1. Толстой Л. Н. - Джемсу Эдуарду (Edward James), 13 (26) октября 1903 г.
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2. The hostelry (Гостиница)
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3. Толстой Л. Н. - Макдональду Александру (Alexander Macdonald), 26 июля 1895 г.
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4. Толстой Л. Н. - Блэку А. (A. Blake), 12 ноября 1888 г.
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5. Толстой Л. Н. - Черткову В. Г., 20 августа 1903 г.
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6. Толстой Л. Н. - Холлистеру Алонзо (Alonzo Hollister), 27 января (6 февраля) 1891 г.
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1. Толстой Л. Н. - Джемсу Эдуарду (Edward James), 13 (26) октября 1903 г.
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Часть текста: you heartily for both, especially for the article which is splendid. It was a great joy to me to know that there are men in America who understand as well as you do the purport of the Douchobor’s work. It would not be otherwise in a country which gave to the world one of its greatest men, William Lloyd Garrison, who is not understood and appreciated at his whole worth and was and is not only an abolitionist of slavery in America, but a great prophet of mankind. I am glad to know that you are the grandson of a friend of this great man. 1 I w’ill translate your article and publish it and send to Canada to the Doukhobors. It will do them good. They will understand through it in what lies their strength and in what their feebleness. Yours truly Leo Tolstoy. 26 October 1903. Эдуарду Джемсу. Тула. Милостивый государь, Я получил ваше письмо и статью в «Cooperative» и сердечно благодарю вас за то и другое, в особенности за статью, которая превосходна. Для меня было большой радостью узнать, что в Америке есть люди, которые так хорошо понимают, как вы, значение дела духоборов. Оно и не могло быть иначе в стране, которая дала миру одного из его величайших людей — Вильяма Ллойда Гаррисона, который не понят и не оценен в полной мере и который был и есть не только борец против рабства в Америке, но и великий пророк человечества. Я рад узнать, что вы внук друга этого...
2. The hostelry (Гостиница)
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Часть текста: for him and might eate and drink at his heart content and use all what was gathered in the inn clothes or boots or kind of provisions. The sole condition which was required from the travelers was that they schould take only what they needed presently and that they should help each other and leaving the hostelry made things tidy as before their arrival. Having arranged all this and written and hanged on the door this direction the benefactor himself retired. But it came to pass that when people came ent the hostelry they ded not look at the direction and began to use all the goods that where at their desposal without thinking of other people and triing to get all the thinges allthough not needed all everybody for himself.[26] They took began to quarrel between themselve over the goods. In snatching goods from each other spoiled them and sometime spoiled things aut of selfish spite in order that others schould not get them. So that havend spoiled everything in the inn, they began to sutler from cold and hunger, and from the injuries they themselves had inflicted on each other, and abused their host for having prepared too little goods, for not having placed caretakers, tor having allowed all sorts of bad men to enter. Others said that there egisted no anybody to abuse and that the hostelry had no master and had come into egistence (by itself) and that a bad damned place. In this same way behave in our world people who dos not read the direction of our life writen in our hearts and in all the great teachengs of our wise men [1 не разобр. ] and others, live by their own will and not by the will of their benefactor. They ruin their own lives and that of others and condemn for it each other, God, the world only not themselves. If only men...
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Макдональду Александру (Alexander Macdonald), 26 июля 1895 г.
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Часть текста: Macdonald). 1895 г. Июля 26. Я. П. Dear Sir. You write that you wish me encouragement in my work. There is no more joyful encouragement for me, than the receiving of such letters as yours. As for your questions, I will very gladly try to answer them as well as I can. 1) I have got nothing against the usual assembling of people confessing the Christian doctrine on Sundays in halls that they call churches. But I think, that these assemblies ought not to be devoted, as they usually are, to public and uniform public prayers, firstly, because the repetition on Sunday in the same words is perfectly useless, as it very soon becomes a mechanical procedure; secondly and chiefly, because in the Gospels this error is plainly pointed out and it is there definitely said (Math. VI), that one should not pray in public places, but in solitude, which is corroborated both by the reason and the experience of every man, who has ever sincerely prayed to God, as the assembly of people only distracts, makes one’s thoughts wander and diverts them. I think that Sunday rest and dedication of this day to spiritual exercise may take place in the most various forms. One may suggest, that men of the same spirit, meeting together on Sunday, should bring to their meeting such religious books or articles which they find in ancient and modern literature and read and discuss them together; one may suggest, that meeting together on Sunday men of the same spirit should arrange dinners for the poor and themselves serve those dinners; one may suggest, that meeting together men of the same spirit should confess their sins to each other and discuss them. In short one can think of a hundred different forms of worship, which should all have for their aim a mutual spiritual help and should not be mechanical, but sensible. 2) Do I believe in the resurrection and...
4. Толстой Л. Н. - Блэку А. (A. Blake), 12 ноября 1888 г.
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Часть текста: intented it to be understood, and the indignation against those who try to hide it. By many signs of the times I think that «verily, verily I say unto you the hour is coming and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the son of God». I think so because not only in you but in many people of different culture I see this awakening consciousness that we are deceived, that the organization of our life is a mockery of the teaching of Christ which we profess. That this life is miserable and sinful, and that it could he blissful and holy. And that for to attain this end we have only to shake off the ancient imposture in which we now live. Do you know the writings of Matthew Arnold? His «Literature and Dogma», Parker’s discourse on religious subjects, Garrison’s «Non-resistance» and his «declaration of sentiments»? All this and many others is the same that you and I speak and write of, viz. that Christ gave us a programme of life as an architect would have given the plan of a building and a deceiver would have stolen the plan and put a false one in it’s stead, to compromise the architect. I think that many people over the world are begining to get aware that they are Labouring under a mistake and turn to the true teaching of Christ. I think that the hour is coming,...
5. Толстой Л. Н. - Черткову В. Г., 20 августа 1903 г.
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Часть текста: Толстой Л. Н. - Черткову В. Г., 20 августа 1903 г. 697. 1903 г. Августа 20. Я. П. Jour telegram not understood. Toula. Leo. Ваша телеграмма непонятна. Тула. Лев. Примечания Телеграмма. Датируется на основании пометок на телеграфном бланке. Ответ на несохранившуюся телеграмму Черткова.
6. Толстой Л. Н. - Холлистеру Алонзо (Alonzo Hollister), 27 января (6 февраля) 1891 г.
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Часть текста: Алонзо Холлистеру (Alonzo Hollister). 1891 г. Января 27 — февраля 6? Я. П. Dear Friend and Brother. I received your long letter and have read it with interest, but I must confess that all your arguments taken from John's revelation do not convince me. I do not consider that book as a moral guide. I think that God’s revelation must be simple and able to be understood by the simplest soul. In general as I told you before, dear friend, I agree completely with your practice of life, but not with your theory, especially about spirits. — I hope that the open expression of my thoughts will not lessen your kind disposition to me. With brotherly love yours truly Leo Tolstoy. Дорогой друг и брат, я получил ваше длинное письмо и прочел его с интересом, но должен признаться, что все ваши доводы, взятые из Откровения Иоанна, не убедили меня. Я не считаю эту книгу нравственным руководством. Я думаю, что откровение божие должно быть просто и понятно самой простой душе. Вообще, как я вам прежде говорил, дорогой друг, я вполне согласен с вашим образом жизни, но не с вашей теорией, особенно относительно духов. Надеюсь, что откровенное выражение моих мыслей не уменьшит вашего доброго расположения ко мне. С братской любовью, искренно ваш Лев Толстой. Примечания Печатается по недатированной машинописной копии «К неизвестному» из AЧ. Сохранился черновик, написанный рукой T. Л. Толстой. Дата определяется письмом Холлистера от 9 декабря нов. ст. 1890 г., на конверте которого имеется помета Толстого: «Я отвечу», и записями в Дневнике Толстого: 20 декабря 1890 г., 2 января и 6 февраля 1891 г., где Толстой, вспоминая происшедшее между 26 января и 6 февраля, отметил: «Написал письма.... двум шекерам» (см. т. 52, стр. 6). Алонзо...