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Cлово "WISE"

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1. Толстой Л. Н. - Редферну Перси (Percy Redfern), 23 февраля 1903 г.
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2. Толстой Л. Н. - Кониси Д. П., 30 сентября 1896 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 7кб.
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Толстой С. А., 29 октября 1884 г.
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4. Толстой Л. Н. - Блэку А. (A. Blake), 12 ноября 1888 г.
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5. Толстой Л. Н. - Макдональду Александру (Alexander Macdonald), 26 июля 1895 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 20кб.
6. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John С. Kenworthy), 8 июля 1894 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 19кб.
7. The hostelry (Гостиница)
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8. Маковицкий Д. П.: "Яснополянские записки". 1905 г. Март
Входимость: 1. Размер: 146кб.

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1. Толстой Л. Н. - Редферну Перси (Percy Redfern), 23 февраля 1903 г.
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Часть текста: are not true. The wise are not learned, the learned are not wise. The Brahmanes say that in their books there are many predictions of times in which it will rain. But press those books as strongly as you can, you can not get out of them a drop of water. So you can not get out of all the books that contain the best preceptes the smalest good deed. Ruskin says, that the best men, those which have done the greatest good to humanity are those that we do not know of. The chief difference between words and deeds is, that words are always intended for men for their aprobation, but deeds can be done only for God. Though it is possible to utter words only with the intention to fulfill the will of God it is very difficult not to think about the impression w[h]ich they will produce on men and not to form them accordingly. But deeds you can do quite unknown to men only for God. And such deeds are the greatest joy that a man can experience. As to his plan to live amongst prostitutes and tramps... I can not say that I approuve of it. Rather not. I think that to change own’s habitual life for such a one a man must [be] quite sure to be proof against the new temptations that will assail him in this new life. This refers also to your doubts about your life. I think that the changes in our life must come from the impossibility to live otherwise than accordingly to the demands of our conscience but not from our mental resolution to try a new form of life. I was glad to hear all what you write about your society 1 and yourself and thank you for your letter. Your friend Leo Tolstoy. Дорогой Перси Редферн, Я думаю, что ваш друг, который против книг и чтения, вполне прав. Лао-Тзе говорит: истинные слова не бывают приятны, приятные слова не бывают истинны. Мудрые не бывают учены, ученые не бывают мудры! Брамины говорят, что в их книгах много предсказаний о временах, когда пойдут дожди. Но ...
2. Толстой Л. Н. - Кониси Д. П., 30 сентября 1896 г.
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Часть текста: that now face all men and call for a solution, which neither Buddhism nor Confucianism can give. All the great teachers of humanity have at all time preached the brotherhood of men, but it is Christianity alone, which points out the way, whereby this can be attained. You have translated my works, such as «the Kreuzer Sonata» etc., but I very much wish to make the Japanese public familiar with true Christianity, as I think its founder conceived it. This, as far as I could, I expounded in my book: «The kingdom of god is within you». I think, these books or, at least, an exposition of their contents might be of interest to the Japanese people and might show them, that Christianity is not a collection of miracle narratives, but a very srtict exposition of that idea of human life, which gives wise neither to despair, nor to indifference about ones conduct, but which leads to a most definite moral activity. I advised your friends to order from Geneva those books, which you would like to have. But if you wish it, I will myself send you for translation the book, on which I am now engaged. As far, as I have ...
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Толстой С. А., 29 октября 1884 г.
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Часть текста: ее съ ея мужемъ. 3 Она ждетъ только того, чтобы онъ выразилъ согласiе. Я хотелъ нынче заняться этимъ дипломатическимъ деломъ, но не успелъ. Да утромъ были еще две бабы. Одна съ просьбой похлопотать о муже въ остроге. Я написалъ Бибикову, 4 и, можетъ быть, съ пользой, другая старуха судится съ деверемъ за квитанцию. Эту я уговорилъ бросить судъ. Я вспомнилъ это потому, что здесь день кажется такой не блестящiй, а вспомнить, — нетъ нетъ, и оказался полезным добрымъ людямъ. Потомъ поехалъ верхомъ въ Лимоновской лесъ 5 посмотреть лесъ и руду, кот[орую] тамъ нашли. Еще Митроф[анъ] нанялъ таскать. Вотъ какъ разъ тотъ хозяйственный вопросъ, к[отораго] решенье трудно. Тамъ живутъ две недели два мужика, одному 60-летъ, ночуютъ и едятъ у Александры. 6 Дни проводятъ на работе. Работа такая: одинъ копаетъ въ земле до 6 саженъ глубины, кладетъ землю въ кадушку и другой воротомъ вытаскиваетъ пудовъ 5 въ кадушке. Кадушка надъ головой того, к[оторый] внизу, — упуститъ верхнiй, и нижнему смерть или калечество. Кроме того, песокъ, котораго на пути дудки несколько аршинъ, можетъ тоже обрушиться, и тоже смерть. До обеда одинъ, a после обеда другой внизу. Уговоръ работы такой. Копаютъ на свое счастье и знанiе. Сколько бы ни прошли дудокъ, ничего не получаютъ, пока не найдутъ руды. А если найдутъ, то копаютъ 3 дудки и за каждую получаютъ по 15 р[ублей]. Они прокопали две напрасно; въ одной нашли, другую кончаютъ, въ к[оторой] тоже будетъ; а 3-я спорная. Въ ней есть руда, но по пути къ ней 6 аршинъ песку. И потому опасно копать безъ сруба. И такъ обвалилось съ шапку песку на нижняго копщика. Копачъ говоритъ, что эта дудка должна идти въ счетъ, а Митрофанъ говоритъ, что нетъ. Посмотришь ихъ работу, и ясно, что надо дать ему все, что...
4. Толстой Л. Н. - Блэку А. (A. Blake), 12 ноября 1888 г.
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Часть текста: son of God». I think so because not only in you but in many people of different culture I see this awakening consciousness that we are deceived, that the organization of our life is a mockery of the teaching of Christ which we profess. That this life is miserable and sinful, and that it could he blissful and holy. And that for to attain this end we have only to shake off the ancient imposture in which we now live. Do you know the writings of Matthew Arnold? His «Literature and Dogma», Parker’s discourse on religious subjects, Garrison’s «Non-resistance» and his «declaration of sentiments»? All this and many others is the same that you and I speak and write of, viz. that Christ gave us a programme of life as an architect would have given the plan of a building and a deceiver would have stolen the plan and put a false one in it’s stead, to compromise the architect. I think that many people over the world are begining to get aware that they are Labouring under a mistake and turn to the true teaching of Christ. I think that the hour is coming, but that we must remember the words said by Christ to his disciples. «Be ye therefore wise as...
5. Толстой Л. Н. - Макдональду Александру (Alexander Macdonald), 26 июля 1895 г.
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Часть текста: (Alexander Macdonald), 26 июля 1895 г. 128. Александру Макдональду (Alexander Macdonald). 1895 г. Июля 26. Я. П. Dear Sir. You write that you wish me encouragement in my work. There is no more joyful encouragement for me, than the receiving of such letters as yours. As for your questions, I will very gladly try to answer them as well as I can. 1) I have got nothing against the usual assembling of people confessing the Christian doctrine on Sundays in halls that they call churches. But I think, that these assemblies ought not to be devoted, as they usually are, to public and uniform public prayers, firstly, because the repetition on Sunday in the same words is perfectly useless, as it very soon becomes a mechanical procedure; secondly and chiefly, because in the Gospels this error is plainly pointed out and it is there definitely said (Math. VI), that one should not pray in public places, but in solitude, which is corroborated both by the reason and the experience of every man, who has ever sincerely prayed to God, as the assembly of people only distracts, makes one’s thoughts wander and diverts them. I think that Sunday rest and dedication of this day to spiritual exercise may take place in the most various forms. One may suggest, that men of the same spirit, meeting together on Sunday, should bring to their meeting such religious books or articles which they find in ancient and modern literature and read and discuss them together; one may suggest, that meeting together on Sunday men of the same spirit should arrange dinners for the poor and themselves serve those dinners; one may suggest, that meeting together men of the same spirit should confess their sins to each...
6. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John С. Kenworthy), 8 июля 1894 г.
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Часть текста: that soon you will have formed a community, I wished to answer you the following: Of course one can not but desire the largest spreading of that which one regards as the truth, and not only as an abstract truth, but as a practical one, such a truth, the acceptation of which would deliver men from their miseries and give them the greatest welfare; but, strange though it seems to say so nothing has so much hindered the spreading of the truth, as the too hasty desire to make others accept it. I have always been deeply affected by the seldom noticed words of Christ to his 70 disciples, when they returned from preaching and boasted of their success, saying that everywhere the devils were subject unto them: «In this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather, because your names are written in heaven». In other words: seek not exterior success visible to all men, do not count your proselytes, as do the churchmen & the salvation army, 1 but seek to be in the truth, never to deviate from it & success, thoough perhaps invisible to you, will follow, will certainly follow, because when a man is in the truth he will act and his action will inevitably have the most fruitful results, if even they will not be...
7. The hostelry (Гостиница)
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Часть текста: children) There was a benevolent man who wished to do as much good as he could to men, and he bethought himself that the best way to do this was to....[25] an inn in such a place where many people passed and of furnishing it with all that could be of use or give pleasure to men. So he arranged a hostelry with comfortable rooms, good stoves, fuel, lighting, store-rooms full of every kind of provisions, vegetables and all sorts of refreshment, also beds, every kind of clothes, underwear and boots in such quantities as to suffice for a great quantity of people. Having arranged all this the benefactor wrate very distingly a direction how to use his hostelry and all the thing that where gathered in it. This decretion the benefactor nailed on the entrance door so that every man should see it. In the direction it was writen that every man who entered the hostelry might stay in it as long as it was good for him and might eate and drink at his heart content and use all what was gathered in the inn clothes or boots or kind of provisions. The sole condition which was required from the travelers was that they schould take only what they needed presently and that they should help each other and leaving the hostelry made things tidy as before their arrival. Having arranged all this and written and hanged on the door this direction the benefactor himself retired. But it came to pass that when people came ent the hostelry they ded not look at the direction and began to use all the goods that where at their desposal without thinking of other people and triing to get all the thinges allthough not needed all everybody for himself.[26] They took began to quarrel between themselve over the goods. In snatching goods from each other spoiled them and sometime spoiled things aut of selfish spite in order that others schould not get them. So that havend spoiled everything in ...
8. Маковицкий Д. П.: "Яснополянские записки". 1905 г. Март
Входимость: 1. Размер: 146кб.
Часть текста: в огород, чтобы лошади туда не ходили). Я не разобрал, в какой связи Л. Н. заговорил о тупости ученых, о том, что они ничего не понимают, кроме своей специальности (ни в религии, ни в нравственности). Л. Н. говорил, что биографию Победоносцева написал его враг; он изложил в ней все его взгляды, выписав их из «Московского сборника» и других его сочинений 1 . Я никогда не видел, чтобы Л. Н. вышел из терпения или хотя бы поморщился в разговоре с каким-нибудь глупцом, неприятным или надоедающим ему человеком. Под Мукденом ранено 1300 русских офицеров и 40 000 солдат, около 25 000 убито. Ужасная, кровавая война! Л. Н-чу тяжело слушать разговоры о Мукдене. За обедом Николай Леонидович завел о нем речь, но Л. Н. сейчас же переменил разговор. Несколько дней тому назад было то же самое. Вечером на столе лежал ремингтонный экземпляр «Усмирения уральских казаков» 1876 г. 2 В Казалинск Туркестанской области выслали из Уральской области казаков-старообрядцев за неповиновение начальству, за отказ принять общую воинскую повинность. Против них были высланы войска. На одного казака было двое солдат. Их насильно вывезли в Туркестан. Они пассивно сопротивлялись, но не отплачивали насилием. Тысячи семей последовали за ними. В 1883 г. царь дал «амнистию»: тем, кто раскается в своих заблуждениях, разрешалось вернуться на родину. Ответили: «Раскаиваться не будем». Л. Н. получил немецкое письмо от одной женщины из Ясс. Она вполне согласна с «Крейцеровой сонатой», которую только что прочла; нашла в ней свои собственные мысли 3 . Очень приятный семейный разговор в узком кругу, не затрагивающий общественных событий. Л. Н....