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1. The hostelry (Гостиница)
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2. Толстой Л. Н. - Гому В. (W. Gum), 17 октября 1897 г.
Входимость: 4. Размер: 5кб.
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John Kenworthy), 27 июня 1896 г.
Входимость: 3. Размер: 11кб.
4. Толстой Л. Н. - Макдональду Александру (Alexander Macdonald), 26 июля 1895 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 20кб.
5. Letter to a Hindoo (Письмо к индусу)
Входимость: 2. Размер: 77кб.
6. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John Kenworlhy), 18 августа 1895 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 4кб.
7. Толстой Л. Н. - Войзе Чарльзу (Charles Voysey), 7 июня 1901 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 4кб.
8. Записные книжки и отдельные записи 1900—1903 гг. III. Записная книжка 1902 г. Записи за весь 1902 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 126кб.
9. Толстой Л. Н. - В редакцию газеты "New York World", январь - апрель ? 1899 г.
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10. Толстой Л. Н. - Эдвардсу Джозефу (Joseph Edwards), 5 октября 1895 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 5кб.

Примерный текст на первых найденных страницах

1. The hostelry (Гостиница)
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Часть текста: could be of use or give pleasure to men. So he arranged a hostelry with comfortable rooms, good stoves, fuel, lighting, store-rooms full of every kind of provisions, vegetables and all sorts of refreshment, also beds, every kind of clothes, underwear and boots in such quantities as to suffice for a great quantity of people. Having arranged all this the benefactor wrate very distingly a direction how to use his hostelry and all the thing that where gathered in it. This decretion the benefactor nailed on the entrance door so that every man should see it. In the direction it was writen that every man who entered the hostelry might stay in it as long as it was good for him and might eate and drink at his heart content and use all what was gathered in the inn clothes or boots or kind of provisions. The sole condition which was required from the travelers was that they schould take only what they needed presently and that they should help each other and leaving the hostelry made things tidy as before their arrival. Having arranged all this and written and hanged on the door this direction the benefactor himself retired. But it came to pass that when people came ent the hostelry they ded not look at the direction and began to use all the goods that where at their desposal without thinking of other people and triing to get all the thinges allthough not needed all everybody for himself.[26] They took began to quarrel between themselve over the goods. In snatching goods from each other spoiled them and sometime spoiled things aut of selfish spite in order that others schould not get them. So that havend spoiled everything in the inn, they began...
2. Толстой Л. Н. - Гому В. (W. Gum), 17 октября 1897 г.
Входимость: 4. Размер: 5кб.
Часть текста: cannot demand of them faith in that which they are not able to accept. Sincerity is enough for God. And the facts, you have become acquainted with in this book are, I think sufficient for dispelling any doubt as to the sincerity and faithfulness before their God of these people who are sacrificing their lives for what they believe to be His will. I think we would be discrediting our common God if we were each of us to attribute to Him insistance upon those theological tenets in which we differ between ourselves owing to our human limitations. Let us, while adhering, each one of us to the light wе have, be sufficiently tolerant and broad minded towards each others, to have confidence both in each others conscientiousness and in God’s power to enlighten and correct those deficiencies in faith we think we remark in one another. With fraternal good wishes, I am Yours faithfully. 17-го окт. 1897. Любезный друг, Благодарю вас сердечно за ваше доброе письмо с добрыми пожеланиями моим преследуемым друзьям и мне самому. Что касается вопроса, который вы мне ставите, я могу мало прибавить к тому, что изложено в книге, которую вы читали. Вы вполне правы, придя к заключению, что мы не должны придавать значения таким догматам, как евангельское понятие об искуплении. Но я думаю, что нет надобности беспокоиться по поводу таких людей, как духоборы. Как бы различно ни было наше личное отношение к таким метафизическим представлениям, как искупление, мы не можем не согласиться с тем, что бог есть любовь и справедливость, и поэтому если те, кто старается служить ему искренно и насколько можно лучше, не способны понимать...
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John Kenworthy), 27 июня 1896 г.
Входимость: 3. Размер: 11кб.
Часть текста: г. 87. Джону Кенворти (John Kenworthy). 1896 г. Июня 27. Я . П. 28 July 1896. Dear friend, I have received your very interesting letter and I am anxious to answer you, especially about the transformation or rather spiritual growth, that is going on in our friends of the «Brotherhood Chucrh» (I do not like those names; they promise too much: it would be well, if in the transformation they would drop this name). 1 I think, that a great part of the evil of the world is due to our wishing to see the realization of what we are striving at, but are not ready for, and therefore being satisfied with the semblance of that, which should be. Compulsory governement organization is indeed nought else, than the semblance of good order, which is maintained by prisons, gallows, police, army and workhouses. Of real order there is none; only, that which infringes, it is hidden from our view in prisons, penal settlements and slums. And I think, that the dicease remains so long uncured, because it is concealed. So likewise with brotherhood or church communities. They also are semblances. There cannot be a community of saints among sinners. I think, that the members of a community in order to keep the semblance of sainthood must necessarily commit many new sins. We are so created, that we cannot become perfect either one by one, or in groups, but (from the very nature of the case) only all together. The warmth of any drop (or particle) is transmitted to all the...
4. Толстой Л. Н. - Макдональду Александру (Alexander Macdonald), 26 июля 1895 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 20кб.
Часть текста: is plainly pointed out and it is there definitely said (Math. VI), that one should not pray in public places, but in solitude, which is corroborated both by the reason and the experience of every man, who has ever sincerely prayed to God, as the assembly of people only distracts, makes one’s thoughts wander and diverts them. I think that Sunday rest and dedication of this day to spiritual exercise may take place in the most various forms. One may suggest, that men of the same spirit, meeting together on Sunday, should bring to their meeting such religious books or articles which they find in ancient and modern literature and read and discuss them together; one may suggest, that meeting together on Sunday men of the same spirit should arrange dinners for the poor and themselves serve those dinners; one may suggest, that meeting together men of the same spirit should confess their sins to each other and discuss them. In short one can think of a hundred different forms of worship, which should all have for their aim a mutual spiritual help and should not be mechanical, but sensible. 2) Do I believe in the resurrection and that there is a hereafter? I believe in true, i. e. indestructible life which Christ has disclosed to us and for the...
5. Letter to a Hindoo (Письмо к индусу)
Входимость: 2. Размер: 77кб.
Часть текста: dost, thou wilt be dragged through the rough wilderness of life, which is not of Me. Whenever thou feelest that thy feet are becoming entangled in the interlaced roots of life, know then that thou hast strayed from the path to which I beckon thee, for I have placed thee in broad smooth paths which are strewn with flowers. I have put a light before thee, which thou can’st follow and thus run without stumbling. Krishna P. 212. I received your letter and the two issues of the magazine. Both were intensely interesting to me; indeed, the oppression of a majority by the minority of a people and the corruption which flows from it, is a phenomenon which has always occupied my mind and at present is entirely occupying my attention. I will endeavour to convey to you what I think, both in a particular and a general way, about those causes from which those dreadful calamities have arisen and do arise, of which you write in your letter and which are also mentioned in the two numbers of the Hindoo magazine you sent me. The causes, owing to which this astonishing spectacle arises, of the majority of the labouring classes submitting to a mere handful of idlers whom it permits to dispose not only of its labour but also of its very life, are always and everywhere the same; whether the oppressors and the oppressed belong to the same, or, as is the case in India and in other countries, where the dominant class belongs to an entirely different nation from those oppressed. It appears especially strange of India, for here we have a people of 200 millions of individuals, highly endowed with spiritual and physical powers, in absolute subjection to a small clique, composed of persons utterly alien in thought and aspiration and altogether inferior to ...
6. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John Kenworlhy), 18 августа 1895 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 4кб.
Часть текста: very glad to know, that there is a cheap edition of it. 2 3) I asked my friend Mr. Tchertkoff to send you a list of my writings since 1881, and he promised, that he will do it. His adress is: Russia, Government of Voronesh, station Rossosha. Vladimir Tshertkoff. 4) I would be very glad, if I could forward to you this year a new work, which should be edited by your company before any others. And hope to do so. Yours truly Leo Tolstoy. 30 August 1895. Дорогой друг, Я получил ваше письмо и буду отвечать на каждый пункт в отдельности. 1) Мне очень жаль, что вы истратили столько денег на перевод «Четырех евангелий», 100 фунтов за том очень дорого. 1 2) Я еще не имел времени, чтобы просмотреть перевод «В чем моя вера» и «Ходите в свете, пока есть свет», но сделаю это и, если эти переводы не плохи, пошлю вам разрешение. Я думаю, что «Царство божие» — одна из моих книг, которая будет лучше продаваться, чем другие, и мне приятно будет узнать, что она существует в дешевом...
7. Толстой Л. Н. - Войзе Чарльзу (Charles Voysey), 7 июня 1901 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 4кб.
Часть текста: you sent me to see that your belief is nearly the same as mine. I say nearly, because I do not regard Christ as an impostor as one of your co-religionists wrote to me some time ago 1 and do not lay at his door all the bad things that are included in the Gospel. All that I read in your books is quite congenial to me and especially your sermon on «The Philosophy of Human life». I am very sorry not to be able to send you my complete answer to the «Excommunication», but I wrote to my friend in England — V. Tchertkoff (Christchurch, Hants) begging him to send to you this answer and also some of my books on religious subjects by which you will see that without knowing each other personally we come to the same conclusions because we draw from the same source: human reason, love and conscience, as you rightly put in some of your books. With respect and love Yours truly Leo Tolstoy. Милостивый государь, Я получил ваше письмо и проповедь по поводу моего отлучения, так же как и ваши книги, и очень вас благодарю. Очень был рад узнать, что у меня есть религиозные единомышленники, о которых до сих пор не подозревал. Я знал об унитарианцах, но не о теистической церкви. Я прочел некоторые из тех книг и листовок, которые вы мне прислали, и увидел, что ваша вера почти та же, что и моя. Говорю...
8. Записные книжки и отдельные записи 1900—1903 гг. III. Записная книжка 1902 г. Записи за весь 1902 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 126кб.
Часть текста: Ив[ановичемъ]. Вечеромъ игралъ [въ] винтъ. Читалъ разсказъ Скитальц[а] — нехорошо. ———————————————————————————————————— Приня[лъ] 5 гр[анъ] хины, къ вечеру лучше. 2 [15]. Среда. Похоже на перебои. Жизнь идетъ въ предел[ахъ]. Движенiе въ этихъ предел[ахъ] расширяетъ ихъ.[1314] ———————————————————————————————————— [1315]Говорятъ: будущая жизнь. Если человекъ веритъ въ Бога и законъ его, то онъ веритъ и въ то, что онъ живетъ въ мiре по его закону. А если такъ, то и смерть происходитъ по тому же закону и есть только возвращенiе къ Нему.[1316] 3 [16]. Четвергъ. Половину дня лежалъ. Лучше. Поправлялъ письм[о], получилъ письмо отъ Чер[ткова]....
9. Толстой Л. Н. - В редакцию газеты "New York World", январь - апрель ? 1899 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 5кб.
Часть текста: can be resumed in one sentence: all men are sons of God and brothers and therefore must and ought to love and not to kill each other. Excuse my rudeness, all those conferences excite in me a very strong feeling of disgust for the hypocrisy which is so manifest in them. Мой ответ на ваш вопрос тот, что мир никогда не может быть достигнут конференциями <на которых люди, сами не идущие на войну>, и может быть решен <только> людьми, которые не только болтают, но которые <принуждены сражаться> сами идут на войну. Этот вопрос был разрешен 1900 лет тому назад учением Христа так, как оно им понималось, а не так, как оно было искажено церквами. Все конференции могут быть выражены одним изречением: все люди сыны Божьи <и каждый человек должен любить ближнего, а не убивать его> и братья и потому должны любить, а не убивать друг друга. Извините мою резкость, но все эти конференции вызывают во мне сильное чувство отвращения за лицемерие, столь в них явное. New York, «New York World». 2 3 4 5 6 7 The peace question for Christians was fully 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 resolved 1900 years ago, Mathew five 43, 44. . 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hagues peace conference is only a disgusting manifestation of 25 26 Christian hypocrisy. Нью Иорк, «New...
10. Толстой Л. Н. - Эдвардсу Джозефу (Joseph Edwards), 5 октября 1895 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 5кб.
Часть текста: working the same work and not knowing their comrades. I think, that the title of your publication is too narrow. The contents are broader. It contains not only records of the labour movement, but of the whole social reformation movement, which is going on now with so great intensity in the whole world. The solution of the labour question will not solve the social question, but the social question includes the labour question. And the social question can be solved only by the annulment of every kind of restraint used by one man or reunion of men over any other man or men. And this can only be done by change of public opinion. The social question will be solved only when it will be regarded by the great majority of men as base, shameful, abject and revilling a man to a beast to use violence against every other man, as to be a thief or murderer. And this opinion is more and more going to be general, and to establish this public opinion is what I have worked for with all my strength and will work for to my last day. I will beg my daughter to put my photo in this letter if she has one. Wishing you succes in your and our common work, I remain yours truly Leo Tolstoy. 17 Oct. 1895. Милостивый государь, Я получил ваше письмо...