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1. Letter to a Hindoo (Письмо к индусу)
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2. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John Kenworthy), 17 (18) октября 1896 г.
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3. Толстой л. Н. - Эвансу Фредерику (Frederic W. Evans), 27 января (6 февраля) 1891 г.
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4. Толстой Л. Н. - Кэмпбеллу Гамильтону (Hamilton Camp[bell]), 27 января (6 февраля) 1891 г.
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5. Толстой Л. Н. - Пикард Элизе (Eliza Pickard), 28 июля (9 августа) 1900 г.
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6. Толстой Л. Н. - Пикард Элизе (Eliza Pickard), 1 (13) августа 1900 г.
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7. Записная книжка 1908 г. №3
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1. Letter to a Hindoo (Письмо к индусу)
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Часть текста: wilt be dragged through the rough wilderness of life, which is not of Me. Whenever thou feelest that thy feet are becoming entangled in the interlaced roots of life, know then that thou hast strayed from the path to which I beckon thee, for I have placed thee in broad smooth paths which are strewn with flowers. I have put a light before thee, which thou can’st follow and thus run without stumbling. Krishna P. 212. I received your letter and the two issues of the magazine. Both were intensely interesting to me; indeed, the oppression of a majority by the minority of a people and the corruption which flows from it, is a phenomenon which has always occupied my mind and at present is entirely occupying my attention. I will endeavour to convey to you what I think, both in a particular and a general way, about those causes from which those dreadful calamities have arisen and do arise, of which you write in your letter and which are also mentioned in the two numbers of the Hindoo magazine you sent me. The causes, owing to which this astonishing spectacle arises, of the majority of the labouring classes submitting to a mere handful of idlers whom it permits to dispose not only of its labour but also of its very life, are always and everywhere the same; whether the oppressors and the oppressed belong to the same, or, as is the case in India and in other countries, where the dominant class ...
2. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John Kenworthy), 17 (18) октября 1896 г.
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Часть текста: but he has a system and is consequent in proposing his «moyen», because he believes in it. But I never heard from any socialist, communist or anarchist an explanation, how the communistic or socialistic system will work, why will the egoistic men cease to be egoistic, and what will prompt them to sustain a system, which, will not be advantageous for them personally, and never could comprehend, what advantage will have anarchy over the existing state of things, or how could anarchy be founded and last, if the hearts of men are not changed, if men have not accepted the Christian point of view. The «Gospel in brief» 3 I have looked through, and it seems to me to be a very good translation. I thank you heartely for the preface and for your book «The... 4 I have began to read Carpenter’s book 5 and find it very good. Please give him my thanks for sending it. I have read only the first article — Civilisation. The Epilogue of Maude’s book is excellent. 6 I never thought that he was so firm and radical, going to the last conclusions. I admire and envy you in your manual work. It is one of the...
3. Толстой л. Н. - Эвансу Фредерику (Frederic W. Evans), 27 января (6 февраля) 1891 г.
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Часть текста: февраля 6? Я. П. D[ear] F[riend] and B[rother]. Thank you for your kind letter. It gave me great joy to know that you approve of my ideas on Christianity (I received the tracts that you sent me 1 ) and was very satisfied with your views upon the diffe[re]nt expressions of religious sentiments suiting the age of those to whom they are directed. I received the tracts you sent me and read them not only with interest but with profit, and cannot criticise them because I agree with everything that is said in them. There is only one question that I should wish to ask you. You are, as I know non-resistants. How do you manage to keep communial, but nevertheless property? Do you acknowledge the possibility for a Christian to defend property from usurpators? I ask this question because I think that the principle of non-resistance is the chief trait of true Christianity and the greatest difficulty in our time is to be true to it. How do you manage to do so in your community? With sincere respect and love yours truly Leo Tolstoy. I received your tracts, you say in your letter that [you] have sent me books, did you mean them or did you send me books calling the tracts books? I received more than a year the Oregon paper World Advance Thought, sometimes. I saw in it your articles. 2 I am very thankful to the editor for sending this paper; in every № I get spiritual nourishment if it were not for some spiritistic tendency that is foreign to me. Who is the editor and how long ago has it been founded? [I] agree with all its religious views. I like this paper very much. Дорогой друг и брат. Благодарю вас за ваше доброе письмо. Большой радостью было для меня узнать, что вы разделяете мои мысли о христианстве (я получил брошюры, которые вы мне послали 1 ), и был очень удовлетворен вашими взглядами относительно различных способов выражения религиозных чувств, сообразно с...
4. Толстой Л. Н. - Кэмпбеллу Гамильтону (Hamilton Camp[bell]), 27 января (6 февраля) 1891 г.
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Часть текста: to accept or to believe the miracles of the gospel is a complete impossibility for a sane person in our times. We cannot believe the miracles not because we wish, or we do not wish to believe in them, but because such narratives, having a certain meaning for people of the 4-th century, have none for us. If Christ in body ascended the sky, he is ascending it still and never will reach the seat at the right hand of his father. And the same stands for all the miracles of the gospel. I think that the faith in the miracle excludes the faith in the teaching. If Christ could make all men healthy and rich (if he could make wine out of water, he could make all men rich) he should have done it instead of teaching men how to be blessed without health and riches. Those who accept the miracles, accept them only because they do not want to accept the teaching. 2) The divinity of Christ? The chief meaning of the definition of God is that He is a being different from man, above him and therefore if I say that man is God, I say a contradiction, just as if I said: spirit (the definition of which is something that is not matter) — spirit is matter. Christ being God is a belief that can be kept only by people who do not want to accept his teaching. If Christ is man the chief purport of his advent is his teaching and if I accept Christ as teacher I must follow his doctrine, but if he is God his teaching is only a little part of his significance. The chief thing is the story of his relation to the Father, the punishement of innocent people, the atonement, the sacrements, the church, the pope and so on, but not his teaching which cannot be accepted by the clergy, because it destroys at once their position and shows that their vocation is only a pretence to feed at the cost of the people. 3) About personal immortality? I think that in this life internal experience shows us that the less...
5. Толстой Л. Н. - Пикард Элизе (Eliza Pickard), 28 июля (9 августа) 1900 г.
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Часть текста: for me to know the opinion of Miss Holah 1 and others about Mr. Tchertkoff. My opinion of him is formed and cannot change. It is founded on something much more than friendship. My opinion also is formed now on the present state of mind of Mr Kenworthy. His last letter in which he writes: „You have promised me your books to publish including the last story «Resurrection»”, 2 which assertion has not the shadow of truth and his inexcusable accusation of Tchertkoff of which he has not the shadow of a proof and of a right — have convinced me that he is. not himself, and therefore I would be much obliged to you if you would spare me his letters and his opinion while he remains in the present unacountable state of mind. Leo Tolstoy. P. S. Your first and all Mr Kenworthy’s letters have been received. Мисс Пикард, Мне совершенно излишне знать мнение г-жи Хола 1 и других о Черткове. Мое мнение о нем составлено и не может измениться. Оно основано на чем-то гораздо большем, нежели дружба. Мое мнение сложилось также и об умственном состоянии г. Кенворти в настоящее время. Его последнее письмо, в котором он пишет: „Вы обещали предоставлять мне ваши книги для издания, включая...
6. Толстой Л. Н. - Пикард Элизе (Eliza Pickard), 1 (13) августа 1900 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 4кб.
Часть текста: not the shadow of truth, and his silly — to say the best of it — accusation of Tchertkoff of which he has not the shadow of a reason, or of a proof, or of a right — have convinced me that he is not himself. Therefore I would be very much obliged to you if you could persuade him not to write to me any more about this matter. I am very sorry for him and especially for the impossibility in which I am to help him and to have any intercourse with him while he remains in the present unaccountable state of mind. Please excuse me if the contents of this letter will be desagreable to you. I could not help it. Yours truly, Leo Tolstoy. 12 August 1900. Дорогая мисс Пикард, Мне совершенно неинтересно знать мнение мисс Хола и других о Черткове. Мое мнение о нем составлено и не может измениться. Оно основано на чем-то более сильном, нежели дружба. Мое мнение, должен, к сожалению, сказать, сложилось также и о теперешнем состоянии ума г. Кенворти. Его последнее письмо, в котором он пишет: „Вы обещали мне ваши книги для издания, включая последнюю повесть «Воскресение»” — утверждение, не имеющее и тени правды — и его глупое, в лучшем случае, обвинение Черткова, на что он не имеет ни малейших оснований, доказательств и права, всё это убедило меня, что он не в себе. Поэтому я буду вам весьма обязан, если вы сможете убедить его не писать мне больше об этом деле. Мне его очень жаль и в особенности потому, что я не в состоянии ему помочь и сноситься с ним, пока он находится в теперешнем невменяемом состоянии. Пожалуйста, извините, если содержание этого письма будет вам неприятно. Я не мог поступить иначе. Уважающий вас Лев Толстой. 12 Августа 1900. Примечания Печатается по копировальной книге № 3, л....
7. Записная книжка 1908 г. №3
Входимость: 1. Размер: 56кб.
Часть текста: Мысли (2) 8) Деньги 9) Письма 10) Смесь 11) Юбилей (2) 12) (На память) 13) <Воззванiе о повешенныхъ 20-и> 14) Жалкiе люди 15) О земле 16) Жизнь или Все правы ——————————————————————————————————— Ольга Захаровн[а] Залеманъ Арбатъ д. Титова кв. № 1. [1] Стремленiе это въ очень грубой, легкомысленной и невежественной фор[ме] выражается въ томъ, ч[то] среди людей хр[истiанскаго] мiра называется наукой, т. е. случайно набранн[ыя] сведенiя изъ ка[кой] нибудь одной области. Тутъ и Теософiя, и соцiализмъ, и спиритизмъ, и соцiологi[я], и всякiя случай[ныя] сведенiя. Но не это, а то призна[нiе], сознанiе той бедственн[ости] и безу[мiя] к[оторое]..., ничемъ какъ н[е можетъ] быть решен[о]. Решенiе возмож[но] только въ тако[мъ] определ[енiи] смысла жизни, к[оторый] былъ бы доступенъ всемъ и былъ одинаков[о] сроденъ душе человеч[еской] и потому могъ бы соединять всехъ людей въ одномъ пониман[iи] смысла жизни и вытекающаго изъ него руководств[а] поведенiя. И так[ое] решенi[е] ника[къ] не въ соцiали[зме] и д[р.], а въ одно[мъ], въ религiозномъ ученiи. ——————————————————————————————————— Недоразуменiе выразилось на деле въ войнахъ (но въ войнахъ скрывал[ся] патрiотизмъ), въ особенно[сти] же въ революцiяхъ. Убиваютъ другъ друга и говорятъ, что мы христiане, исповедуемъ законъ любви. — Это особенн[о] заметн[о] при усовершенствованiя[хъ] технически[хъ] и теперь особенно въ Россiи; съ одной стороны, по выдуман[н]ости революцiи, съ другой — по христ[iанскому] духу русскаго народ[а]. Отъ этого революц[iя] будетъ, надо думать, последняя. Да, революцiя, истинная ...