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1. Толстой Л. Н. - Вильсону Л. Ж. (L. G. Wilson), 22 июня 1889 г.
Входимость: 6. Размер: 11кб.
2. Толстой Л. Н. - Английской Джорджевской лиге, 27 февраля (31 марта) 1909 г.
Входимость: 6. Размер: 11кб.
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Баллу Адину (Adin Ballou), 21 (24) февраля 1890 г.
Входимость: 3. Размер: 11кб.
4. Толстой л. Н. - Эвансу Фредерику (Frederic W. Evans), 27 января (6 февраля) 1891 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 6кб.
5. Толстой Л. Н. - Беллоузу Джону (John Bellows), 5 (6) октября 1895 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 5кб.
6. Толстой Л. Н. - Кросби Эрнесту (Ernest Crosby), 24 ноября 1894 г.
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7. Толстой Л. Н. - Мак-Уистер Марте (М. Mac-Whister), 10 сентября 1891 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 5кб.
8. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John Kenworty), 4 февраля 1896 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 4кб.

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1. Толстой Л. Н. - Вильсону Л. Ж. (L. G. Wilson), 22 июня 1889 г.
Входимость: 6. Размер: 11кб.
Часть текста: has been one of the first true apostles of the «New Time» — he will be in the future acknowledged as one of the chief benefactors of humanity. If, in his long and seemingly unsuccessful career, Mr. Ballou has experienced moments of depression in thinking that his efforts have been vain; he has only partaken of the fate of his and our Master. Tell him please, that his efforts have not been vain, they give great strength to people, as I can judge from myself. In those tracts I found all the objections that are generally made against «non-resistance» victoriously answered and also the true basis of the doctrine. I will endeavor to translate and propagate as much as I can, the works of Mr. Ballou, and I not only hope, but am convinced, that the time is come, «when the dead hear the voice of the Son of god; and they that hear shall live». The only comments that I wish to make on Mr. Ballou’s explanation of the doctrine, are, firstly, that I cannot agree with the concession that he makes for employing violence against drunkards and insane people, the Master made no concessions, and we can make none. We must try, as Mr. Ballou putsit, to mave impossible the existence of such persons, but if they are — we must use all possible means, sacrifice ourselves, but not employ violence. A true Christian will always prefer to be killed by a madman rather than to deprive him of his...
2. Толстой Л. Н. - Английской Джорджевской лиге, 27 февраля (31 марта) 1909 г.
Входимость: 6. Размер: 11кб.
Часть текста: landed property, this infamous action is particularly loathsome on the part of a stupid and coarse government which is endeavouring not only to retain the slaves in their servitude, but also by depraving the people to intensify their slavery in the future. I regard as stupid the action of our present government, because if it had put into practice Henry Georgeis principle that land cannot become exclusive property, — a principle always recognised and still recognised by the great mass of the Russian peasantry, — this measure alone, more effectually than all the acts of violence and cruelty now being accomplished by the government, would have pacified the people, and rendered impossible the codtinuation of the revolution. Whereas the Russian government has had recourse to a measure pricisely contrary to such an one by encouraging in every way the transference of the land from communal ownership to private individual ownership. 1 In this I see the government's astounding stupidity. Whilst in those measures which the government applies for the repression of the dissafection amongst the people naturally flowing from their want in land, is manifested the government’s astounding cruelty. Therefore the activity of the Single-Tax League organised in England is especially gladdening. Henry George is especially to be appreciated by those who profess Christianity in its true sense, for not only are the foundations of his teaching, but also his methods truly Christian. As Jesus in his...
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Баллу Адину (Adin Ballou), 21 (24) февраля 1890 г.
Входимость: 3. Размер: 11кб.
Часть текста: it is impossible to trace in reality a mathematically straight line and as every such line is only an approach to the latter, so is every degree of perfection attainable by man — only an approach to the perfection of the Father, which Christ showed us the way to emulate. Therefore, in reality, every deed of the best man and his whole life will be always only a practical compromise — a resultant between his feebleness and his striving to attain perfection. And such a compromise in practice is not a sin, but a necessary condition of every Christian life. The great sin is the compromise in theory, is the plan to lower the ideal of Christ in view to make it attainable. And I consider the admission of force (be it even benevolent) over a madman (the great difficulty is to give a strict definition of a madman) to be such a theoretical compromise. In not admitting this compromise I run the risk only of my death or the death of other men who can be killed by the madman; but death will come sooner or later, and death in fulfilling the will of God is a blessing (as you put it yourself in your book); but in admitting this compromise I run the risk of acting contrary to the law of Christ — which is worse than death. It is the same with property. As soon as I admit in principle my right to property, I necessarily will try to keep it from others and to increase it, and therefore will deviate very far from the ideal of Christ. Only when I profess daringly that a Christian...
4. Толстой л. Н. - Эвансу Фредерику (Frederic W. Evans), 27 января (6 февраля) 1891 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 6кб.
Часть текста: ask you. You are, as I know non-resistants. How do you manage to keep communial, but nevertheless property? Do you acknowledge the possibility for a Christian to defend property from usurpators? I ask this question because I think that the principle of non-resistance is the chief trait of true Christianity and the greatest difficulty in our time is to be true to it. How do you manage to do so in your community? With sincere respect and love yours truly Leo Tolstoy. I received your tracts, you say in your letter that [you] have sent me books, did you mean them or did you send me books calling the tracts books? I received more than a year the Oregon paper World Advance Thought, sometimes. I saw in it your articles. 2 I am very thankful to the editor for sending this paper; in every № I get spiritual nourishment if it were not for some spiritistic tendency that is foreign to me. Who is the editor and how long ago has it been founded? [I] agree with all its religious views. I like this paper very much. Дорогой друг и брат. Благодарю вас за ваше доброе письмо. Большой радостью было для меня узнать, что вы разделяете мои мысли о христианстве (я получил брошюры, которые вы мне послали 1 ), и был очень удовлетворен вашими взглядами относительно различных способов выражения религиозных чувств, сообразно с возрастом тех, к которым они обращены. Я получил брошюры, которые вы мне послали, прочел их не только с интересом, но и с пользой, и не могу их критиковать, потому что согласен со всем, что в них написано. Есть только один вопрос, который мне хотелось бы вам поставить. Вы, насколько я знаю, непротивящиеся. Каким же образом вы удерживаете хотя бы и общинную, но все-таки собственность? Считаете ли вы допустимым для христианина защищать собственность от посягателей на нее? Задаю этот вопрос, потому что считаю, что принцип непротивления — главная черта истинного христианства, и самое трудное в наше время это быть верным ему. Как же справляетесь вы с этим в...
5. Толстой Л. Н. - Беллоузу Джону (John Bellows), 5 (6) октября 1895 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 5кб.
Часть текста: ought not to have any property and that it is impossible to do any good through money, I can never ask for money, nor for me, nor for anybody else. If people find right, as you do, to give their money to other men and will do it through me, as they did in the time of the famine, I will do as they wish, but I would rather not have anything to do with money matters, which are always full of sin. And this is an example of it. You are not rich, but nevertheless you gave a good sum of money with the best wishes, and this gift of yours has awakened in me very bad feelings: it seemed to me, that you must reproach me of inconsistency or in want of delicacy, if not asking, letting others ask money for my friends from strangers, when the members of my family are rich. Excuse me for saying all this, but I prefer to be sincere with you, because I like and esteem you very much, and have retained from our intercourse the most kind remembrances. You have heard, I think, of the persecution of the Duchobori, that is going on in the Caucasus. I have sent a correspondence about it to my friend Mr. John Kenworthy (London) and it will, I hope, appear very soon in the English papers. With best love, your friend Leo Tolstoy. Дорогой друг, Я получил ваше письмо 1 и чек на 92 рубля и пошлю его Черткову, который перешлет его по назначению. Сожалею, что Чертков обратился через...
6. Толстой Л. Н. - Кросби Эрнесту (Ernest Crosby), 24 ноября 1894 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 4кб.
Часть текста: I guess, that you have communicated my opinion about his paper to the editor. I thank you for it, because I appreciate very much his work and I wish him to know it. Henry George has sent me all his books. I know some of them, but some others, as the «Perplexed Philosopher» and others, were new to me. The more I know of him, the more I esteem him and am astonished at the indifference of the civilized world to his work. If the new Tsar were to ask me, what I would advise him to do, I would say to him: use your autocratic power to abolish the land property in Russia and to introduce the single tax system; and then give up your power and the people a liberal constitution. I write this to you, because I know, that you are one of the coworkers of H. George, and that you hold his ideas. I wish you success in your work. Yours truly Leo Tolstoy. Дорогой г. Кросби, Пишу вам это письмо только для того, чтобы сказать вам, что г-н Владимир Чертков, о котором вы, я уверен, уже слышали от меня и который обратится к вам по поводу некоторых литературных дел, т. е. издания кое-каких переводов моих сочинений, мой большой друг, и вы очень обяжете меня, если поможете ему в его работе. Из письма, полученного мною от сотрудника журнала «Пророк труда», я догадываюсь, что вы...
7. Толстой Л. Н. - Мак-Уистер Марте (М. Mac-Whister), 10 сентября 1891 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 5кб.
Часть текста: Mac-Whister), 10 сентября 1891 г. 31. Марте Мак-Уистер (М. Mac-Whister). Черновое . 1891 г. Сентября 10. Я. П. Dear sister! I was very glad to receive your letter and to know that there are people who live as you live and that you know me and wish to have intercourse with me. Please give me more particulars about your kind of living: have you property, how do you manage it, are you non-resistants? What you write me about your taking low positions, working as servants, your laboring with your hands and your freedom of all a[c]knowledged confessions seems to me to be true conditions of a christian life. But I will be quite sincere — I hope you will be the same to me — and tell you what seems to me not right in your way of living. I think that to abandon husbands wifes and children is a mistake. A Christian I think must learn to live with all men as with brothers and sisters; and husbands, wifes and children should not make an exception. The more it is difficult for a Christian to establish brotherly relations between himself and his nearest relations, the more he must try to do it. The other thing that I do not approuve is that you do not allow your children to mix with the external world. I think a Christian must not enclose himself and his children in a narrow circle of his com[m]unity, but must try to act towards the whole world as if the whole world where his community and so he must educate the children. Please explain to me your words «when we received the light». How did you receive it? and what do you understand by the word ...
8. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John Kenworty), 4 февраля 1896 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 4кб.
Часть текста: any pecuniary profit therefrom ensue, I would desire it to be devoted to the work of your Brotherhood Publishing Company. As for the further right of publishing my works (i. e. after this the first appearance in English, which I intend placing at your disposal), they are to become public property in accordance with a statement I have formerly made public and now desire to confirm. — Yours truly Leo Tolstoy. Moscow, 4 Feb. 1896. Мой дорогой друг, Всем сердцем сочувствуя целям Братского издательства, я намерен предоставить в ваше распоряжение право первого перевода всех моих писаний, как до сих пор не опубликованных, так и будущих. Если бы вы нашли почему-либо более удобным, — например, чтобы обеспечить им более широкое распространение, — предложить первую публикацию каких-либо моих сочинений какой-нибудь английской газете или журналу, и если бы отсюда воспоследовала денежная прибыль, то я желал бы, чтобы эта прибыль была употреблена на дело вашего Братского издательства. Что касается дальнейшего права издания моих сочинений (т. е. после этой первой публикации на английском языке, которую я намерен предоставить в ваше ...