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1. Letter to a Hindoo (Письмо к индусу)
Входимость: 4. Размер: 77кб.
2. Толстой Л. Н. - Редферну Перси (Percy Redfern), 2 (15) августа 1901 г.
Входимость: 3. Размер: 6кб.
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Гибсону Дж. (G. Gibson), 11 марта 1898 г.
Входимость: 3. Размер: 12кб.
4. Толстой Л. Н. - Мак Риву (С. Mac Reeve), 6 (12) февраля 1892 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 2кб.
5. Толстой Л. Н. - Кониси Д. П., 30 сентября 1896 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 7кб.
6. Толстой Л. Н. - Макдональду Александру (Alexander Macdonald), 26 июля 1895 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 20кб.
7. Ганди М. К. - Толстому Л. Н., 1 октября 1909 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 15кб.
8. Толстой Л. Н. - Кросби Эрнесту (Ernest Crosby), 11 апреля 1898 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 7кб.
9. Толстой Л. Н. - Мак-Уистер Марте (М. Mac-Whister), 10 сентября 1891 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 5кб.
10. Толстой Л. Н. - Баллу Адину (Adin Ballou), 21 (24) февраля 1890 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 11кб.
11. Толстой Л. Н. - Хису К. О. (Charles Heath), 10 мая 1897 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 5кб.
12. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John С. Kenworthy), 17 (29) июня 1900 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 6кб.
13. Толстой Л. Н. - Син-Джону Артуру (Arthour St. -John), 4 января 1895 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 3кб.
14. Толстой Л. Н. - Джорджу Генри (Henry George), 27 марта 1896 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 4кб.
15. Толстой Л. Н. - Зураварди Абдулла-аль-Мамун (Abdullah-al-Mamun Suhrawardy), 9 (22) ноября 1907 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 5кб.
16. Толстой Л. Н. - Вильяму Стеду (William Т. Stead), 4 - 5 января 1903 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
17. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John С. Kenworthy), 8 июля 1894 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 19кб.
18. Толстой Л. Н. - Хису К. О. (Charles Heath), 18 мая 1897 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
19. Толстой Л. Н. - Токутоми Кенджиро, 12 (25) апреля 1906 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 8кб.
20. Толстой Л. Н. - Вилларду К. Ф. (С. F. Willard), 30 июня 1898 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 3кб.
21. Толстой Л. Н. - Бхарати Баба Премананд (Baba Premanand Bhârati), 3 (16) февраля 1907 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 10кб.
22. Толстой Л. Н. - Мевору Джемсу (James Маvоr), 30 ноября (13 декабря) 1902 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 3кб.
23. Толстой Л. Н. - Беллоузу Джону (John Bellows), 5 (6) октября 1895 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 5кб.
24. Толстой Л. Н. - Томасу Ферису и Берти (Бертраму?) Роу (Thomas Н. Ferris & Bertie (Bertram?) Rowe), 9 января 1903 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 3кб.
25. Толстой Л. Н. - Кросби Эрнесту (Ernest Crosby), 30 июня 1898 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 6кб.
26. The hostelry (Гостиница)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 10кб.
27. Толстой Л. Н. - Дэниель Флоренсе (Florence Daniel), 2 (15) февраля 1907 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 5кб.
28. Толстой Л. Н. - Гаррисону Венделю (W. Garrison), 12 марта 1893 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
29. Толстой Л. Н. - Кросби Эрнесту (Ernest Crosby), 30 апреля 1904 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 3кб.
30. Толстой Л. Н. - Ролcтону Вильяму (William Ralston), 27 октября 1878 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 5кб.
31. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John Kenworthy), 27 июня 1896 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 11кб.
32. Толстой Л. Н. - Давидсону Джону Моррисону (John Morrison Davidson), 23 (24) июля 1894 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 5кб.
33. Толстой Л. Н. - Четти Д. Гопаулю (D. Gopaul Сhetty), 17 (30) мая 1907 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 4кб.
34. Толстой Л. Н. - Крауфорду Джону (John Crauford), 5 марта 1894 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 3кб.
35. Толстой Л. Н. - Кросби Эрнесту (Ernest Crosby), 24 ноября 1894 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 4кб.
36. Толстой Л. Н. - Син-Джону Артуру (Arthur. St. John), 1 (13) ? ноября 1899 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 4кб.
37. Толстой Л. Н. - Оффорду Дэниэлю (Daniel Offord), 15 марта 1893 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 3кб.
38. Толстой Л. Н. - Маркгему Эдвину (Edwin Markham), 5 февраля 1900 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 4кб.
39. Толстой Л. Н. - Херрону Джорджу Девису (George Davis Herron), 2 (3) июля 1895 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 3кб.
40. Толстой Л. Н. - Обществу восстановления земельных прав в Японии (То Land Rehabilitation Society, Japan), 17 мая 1909 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
41. Толстой Л. Н. - Несбитт Доротее(D. Nesbett), 14 января 1910 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 5кб.
42. Толстой Л. Н. - Мак-Крири (W. T. Mac Creary), 1 (13) ? ноября 1899 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 4кб.
43. Толстой Л. Н. - Диллону Э. М. (Е. J. Dillon), 23 марта 1891 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 3кб.
44. Толстой Л. Н. - Черткову В. Г., 17 декабря 1884 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 6кб.
45. Толстой Л. Н. - Вильсону Л. Ж. (L. G. Wilson), 22 июня 1889 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 11кб.
46. Ганди М. К. - Толстому Л. Н., 15 августа 1910 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 13кб.
47. Толстой Л. Н. - Кенворти Джону (John Kenworthy), 17 (18) октября 1896 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 8кб.

Примерный текст на первых найденных страницах

1. Letter to a Hindoo (Письмо к индусу)
Входимость: 4. Размер: 77кб.
Часть текста: hast strayed from the path to which I beckon thee, for I have placed thee in broad smooth paths which are strewn with flowers. I have put a light before thee, which thou can’st follow and thus run without stumbling. Krishna P. 212. I received your letter and the two issues of the magazine. Both were intensely interesting to me; indeed, the oppression of a majority by the minority of a people and the corruption which flows from it, is a phenomenon which has always occupied my mind and at present is entirely occupying my attention. I will endeavour to convey to you what I think, both in a particular and a general way, about those causes from which those dreadful calamities have arisen and do arise, of which you write in your letter and which are also mentioned in the two numbers of the Hindoo magazine you sent me. The causes, owing to which this astonishing spectacle arises, of the majority of the labouring classes submitting to a mere handful of idlers whom it permits to dispose not only of its labour but also of its very life, are always and everywhere the same; whether the oppressors and the oppressed belong to the same, or, as is the case in India and in other countries, where the dominant class belongs to an entirely different nation from those oppressed. It appears especially strange of India, for here we have a people of 200 millions of individuals, highly endowed with spiritual and physical powers, in absolute subjection to a small clique, composed of persons utterly alien in thought and aspiration and altogether inferior to those whom they enslave. These causes, as one can easily see from your letter, from the articles in «Free Hindustan»,...
2. Толстой Л. Н. - Редферну Перси (Percy Redfern), 2 (15) августа 1901 г.
Входимость: 3. Размер: 6кб.
Часть текста: in the Tolstoy Society. So I was. But I am sorry that I have enough vanity left to be interested in it. I have always held the opinion and it cannot change — that to be a member of the old Society that was started by God at the beginning of conscious humanity, is more profitable for oneself and for mankind than to be a member of limited societies which we organise for the sake of attaining the end which we are able to conceive. I think the preference we give to our own Societies is due to the fact that the part we play in our own Societies seems to us to be of much greater importance than the one we play in God’s great Society. But this is only an illusion; all the three modes of activity which you mention in your letter will be more surely attained by a man who regards himself a member of God’s great Society, than by a member of Tolstoy’s Society. Such a man who is earnest, as I know you are, will, firstly spread as much as he can the ideas that give him peace of conscience and energy in life without minding whether they are Tolstoy’s or anybody else’s. He will secondly try with all his might to induce people to speak their mind on the most important questions of life. He will, thirdly, try to give every person he comes in contact with, as much joy and happiness as it in his power to do and will also help those who get into difficulties through strictly following the teaching of Christ. A man belonging to God’s great Society, will beside that perform many other useful Christian acts which have neither been foreseen nor formulated by Tolstoy’s or any other Society. I own there are some advantages in the union of persons of the same mind who form Societies; but, I think, the drawbacks of such organisations are much greater that their advantages, And so I think, for myself, that it would be a great loss to me to change my membership of God’s...
3. Толстой Л. Н. - Гибсону Дж. (G. Gibson), 11 марта 1898 г.
Входимость: 3. Размер: 12кб.
Часть текста: remain unchristian, otherwise the colony would not exist for a moment. And therefore to live in community cannot save a christian from the contradiction between his conscience and his life. I do not mean to say that I do not approve of communities such as your commonwealth, or that I do not think them to be a good thing. On the contrary, I approve of them with all my heart and am very interested in your commonwealth and wish it the greatest success. I think that every man who can free himself from the conditions of wordly life without breaking the ties of love — love the main principle in the name of which he seeks new forms of life — I think such a man not only must, but naturally join people who have the same beliefs and who try to live up to them. If I were free I would immediately even at my age join such a colony. I only wished to say that the mere forming of communities is not a solution for the christian problem, but is only one of the means of its solution. The revolution that is...
4. Толстой Л. Н. - Мак Риву (С. Mac Reeve), 6 (12) февраля 1892 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: Л. Н. - Мак Риву (С. Mac Reeve), 6 (12) февраля 1892 г. 172. Мак Риву (С. Mac Reeve). 1892 г. Февраля 6... 12. Бегичевка. Dear Sir! I got your letter only yesterday and am afraid that you will not receive my reply before you start from America. We are heartily thankful to your people for their offerning and for the sentiments, which prompted them to make it. I hope to see you in Russia and then I will be very happy to give all the informations I am able to give about the places where the flour should be directed and where it should be used to the best advantage of the famine stricken population. With kind regards I am, dear Sir, yours truly Leo Tolstoy. Милостивый государь! Я получил ваше письмо только вчера и боюсь, что вы не успеете получить моего ответа до вашего отъезда из Америки. Мы сердечно благодарны вашему народу за его пожертвования и за чувства побудившие его к этому. Надеюсь увидеть вас в России и тогда буду очень рад дать все справки, какие смогу, о местах, куда следует направлять муку для ее наилучшего использования в интересах голодающего населения. С сердечным уважением остаюсь, милостивый государь, искренно ваш Лев Толстой. Примечания Печатается по машинописной копии из AЧ. Датируется по содержанию. Американец Мак Рив (Mac Reeve), секретарь и уполномоченный World’s Fair commission (Комитета мировой торговли) штата Миннезота, в письме от 25 января нов. ст....
5. Толстой Л. Н. - Кониси Д. П., 30 сентября 1896 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 7кб.
Часть текста: could not escape to accept true Christianity, which alone has the answer to those questions of life, that now face all men and call for a solution, which neither Buddhism nor Confucianism can give. All the great teachers of humanity have at all time preached the brotherhood of men, but it is Christianity alone, which points out the way, whereby this can be attained. You have translated my works, such as «the Kreuzer Sonata» etc., but I very much wish to make the Japanese public familiar with true Christianity, as I think its founder conceived it. This, as far as I could, I expounded in my book: «The kingdom of god is within you». I think, these books or, at least, an exposition of their contents might be of interest to the Japanese people and might show them, that Christianity is not a collection of miracle narratives, but a very srtict exposition of that idea of human life, which gives wise neither to despair, nor to indifference about ones conduct, but which leads to a most definite moral activity. I advised your friends to order from Geneva those books, which you would like to have. But if you wish it, I will myself send you for translation the book, on which I am now engaged. As far, as I have been able to make it, it contains the most condensed and precise exposition of the Christian teaching. I gave Toku-Tomi some articles 3 to be sent to you. If these will prove of any use to you, I shall be very pleased. Now farewell. I would grasp your hand in friendship. I send you every good wish. Léon Tolstoy. 30 September 1896. Дорогой Кониси, Я очень рад был познакомиться с Току-Томи и его спутником: 1 они показались мне очень просвещенными и свободными в...
6. Толстой Л. Н. - Макдональду Александру (Alexander Macdonald), 26 июля 1895 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 20кб.
Часть текста: these assemblies ought not to be devoted, as they usually are, to public and uniform public prayers, firstly, because the repetition on Sunday in the same words is perfectly useless, as it very soon becomes a mechanical procedure; secondly and chiefly, because in the Gospels this error is plainly pointed out and it is there definitely said (Math. VI), that one should not pray in public places, but in solitude, which is corroborated both by the reason and the experience of every man, who has ever sincerely prayed to God, as the assembly of people only distracts, makes one’s thoughts wander and diverts them. I think that Sunday rest and dedication of this day to spiritual exercise may take place in the most various forms. One may suggest, that men of the same spirit, meeting together on Sunday, should bring to their meeting such religious books or articles which they find in ancient and modern literature and read and discuss them together; one may suggest, that meeting together on Sunday men...
7. Ганди М. К. - Толстому Л. Н., 1 октября 1909 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 15кб.
Часть текста: years. There is in that Colony a British Indian population of nearly 13,000. These Indians have for several years laboured under various legal disabilities. The prejudice against colour and in some respect against Asiatics, is intense in that country. It is largely due, so far as Asiatics are concerned, to trade jealousy. The climax was reached three years ago, when a law passed specially apllicable to Asiatics 1 , which I and many others considered to be degrading and calculated to unman those to whom it was applicable. I felt that submission to a law of this nature, was inconsistent with the spirit of true religion. I and some of my friends were, and still are firm believers in the doctrine of nonresistance to evil. I had the privilege of studying your writings also, which left a deep impression on my mind. British Indians, before whom the position was fully explained, accepted the advice that we should not submit to the legislation, but that we should suffer imprisonment, or whatever other penalties the law may impose for its breach. The result has been that nearly one half of the Indian population, that was unable to stand the heat of the struggle to suffer the hardships of imprisonment, have withdrawn from the Transvaal rather than submit to a law which they have considered degrading. Of the other half, nearly 2,500 have for conscience’sake allowed themselves to be imprisoned — some as many as five time. The imprisonments have varied from four days to six months; in the majority of cases with hard labour. Many have been financially ruined. At present there are over 100 passive resisters in the Transvaal gaols. Some of these have been very poor men, earning ...
8. Толстой Л. Н. - Кросби Эрнесту (Ernest Crosby), 11 апреля 1898 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 7кб.
Часть текста: in which the christian enlightenment found him, as his conscience bids him, and the result will be just what it ought to be: he will be chassed from the position that he ocupied and that may be the best thing for him. That is what I think about the difficulty Mr. Jones is in. It is great joy for me to know that there are men like Mr. Jones professing the christian doctrine not only in words but in deeds. Give him please my respect and love. What a pitiful state of jingoistic hypnotization is your people in now. It is dreadful but gives me nothing unexpected and new. This terrible evil and superstition which is called a virtue and which is unhappily so strong in America — patriotism could not produce anything else. They do not gather grapes from thornes... And so patriotism produces only lies, violence, murder. The sole sorrow of my old age is that I have not succeded to communicate to my brothers the truth which I feel with the same evidence as I feel the light of the sun. That patriotism must lead to lies, violence, murder and the loss not only of material wellbeing but of the greatest moral depravation. I am not yet discouraged and am now writing again on the same subject an article entitled «Carthago delenda est»; I will speak and write on this theme till my last breath because I think patriotism is one of the draedfullest delusions and evils of the world. Yours truly Leo Tolstoy. 23 апреля 1898. Дорогой Кросби, Я...
9. Толстой Л. Н. - Мак-Уистер Марте (М. Mac-Whister), 10 сентября 1891 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 5кб.
Часть текста: 10. Я. П. Dear sister! I was very glad to receive your letter and to know that there are people who live as you live and that you know me and wish to have intercourse with me. Please give me more particulars about your kind of living: have you property, how do you manage it, are you non-resistants? What you write me about your taking low positions, working as servants, your laboring with your hands and your freedom of all a[c]knowledged confessions seems to me to be true conditions of a christian life. But I will be quite sincere — I hope you will be the same to me — and tell you what seems to me not right in your way of living. I think that to abandon husbands wifes and children is a mistake. A Christian I think must learn to live with all men as with brothers and sisters; and husbands, wifes and children should not make an exception. The more it is difficult for a Christian to establish brotherly relations between himself and his nearest relations, the more he must try to do it. The other thing that I do not approuve is that you do not allow your children to mix with the external world. I think a Christian must not enclose himself and his children in a narrow circle of his com[m]unity, but must try to act towards the whole world as if the whole world where his community and so he must educate the children. Please explain to me your words «when we received the light». How did you receive it? and what do you understand by the word «light»? Please also give me more details of the history of your community, I will be very thankful for it. My adress is: Tula , Russia. Thanking you again for your letter I remain Yours truly L. Tolstoy. 22 September. Дорогая сестра, Очень был рад получить...
10. Толстой Л. Н. - Баллу Адину (Adin Ballou), 21 (24) февраля 1890 г.
Входимость: 2. Размер: 11кб.
Часть текста: it would not bring us to anything. Only one point which I did not put clearly enough in my last letter I must explain to avoid misunderstanding. It is about compromise. I said that compromise, inevitable in practice, cannot be admitted in theory. What I mean is this: Man never attains perfection but only approaches it. As it is impossible to trace in reality a mathematically straight line and as every such line is only an approach to the latter, so is every degree of perfection attainable by man — only an approach to the perfection of the Father, which Christ showed us the way to emulate. Therefore, in reality, every deed of the best man and his whole life will be always only a practical compromise — a resultant between his feebleness and his striving to attain perfection. And such a compromise in practice is not a sin, but a necessary condition of every Christian life. The great sin is the compromise in theory, is the plan to lower the ideal of Christ in view to make it attainable. And I consider the admission of force (be it even benevolent) over a madman (the great difficulty is to give a strict definition of a madman) to be such a theoretical compromise. In not admitting this compromise I run the risk only of my death or the death of other men who can be killed by the madman; but death will come sooner or later, and death in fulfilling the will of God is a blessing (as you put it yourself in your book); but in admitting this compromise I run the risk of acting contrary to the law of Christ — which is worse than death. It is the same with property. As soon as I admit in principle my right to property, I necessarily will try to keep it from others and to increase it, and therefore will deviate very far from the ideal of Christ. Only when I profess daringly that...